- truth mingled with falsehood 搀杂虚假成分的事实
- His story was replete with falsehood. 他的报导充满了虚伪。
- Security men mingled with the crowd. 保安人员混杂在人群中。
- I am greased with falsehood and treachery. 我全身都涂满了虚假和不忠实的润滑油。
- Her tears mingled with the blood on her face. 她的泪水和脸上的血混在了一起。
- Ye People of the Book! Why do ye clothe Truth with falsehood, and conceal the Truth, while ye have knowledge? 信奉天经的人啊!你们为什么明知故犯地以假乱真,隐讳真理呢?
- He mingled with the crowd,and was lost to sight. 他混入人群里就不见了。
- He felt a kind of happiness mingled with regret. 他感到既高兴又遗憾。
- The alumnae mingled with the trustees. 与董事交往的女校友
- Bluebonnet mingled with the yellow. 黄蓝交相辉映。
- He mingled with the crowd, and was lost to sight. 他混入人群里就不见了。
- Her tears mingled with her laughter . 她的笑里掺杂着泪水。
- Better be the wrong with sincerity,than the right with falsehood. 真诚的错误,胜过虚假的正确。
- Her tears mingled with her laughter. 她的笑里掺杂着泪水。
- The wrong with sincerity is better than the right with falsehood. 真诚的错误,胜过虚假的正确。
- The king mingled with the people in the streets. 国王和街上的人群混在一起了。
- Better be the wrong with sincerity, than the right with falsehood . 真诚的错误,胜过虚假的正确。
- Better be the wrong with sincerity, than the right with falsehood. 真诚的错误,胜过虚假的正确。
- The peace lover must dwell with strife, the truth must abide with falsehood, purity with vileness. 纯洁须与邪恶共居。罪恶、是非及其所导致的污秽情欲,都使基督的心灵受到剧烈的痛苦。
- A confused sound of voices, mingled with her dreams, awoke her. 一种纷乱的人声,混入她的梦中,把她惊醒。