- He thought for a moment, and then tried another tack. 他想了一想,就转过口气来说道:
- Hung-chien had no answer to this, and having lost the first round, he tried another tack, "Have you finished knitting the wool vest yet? 鸿渐无词以对,输了第一个回合,便改换目标道:“羊毛坎肩结好没有?
- His economic policymakers tried another tack方针 and instituted a short-lived expansionary 扩张性program to boost aggregate demand. 其经济政策采取别的方针在制定一短期的扩张性计划来促进总体需求。
- Joe tried another tack. " / 乔尝试了另一个大头钉。
- try another tack 采取另一方针,改变方针
- Feng Yun-ching twisted his lips into an uneasy smile and tried another tack: 但是冯云卿似笑非笑地扭一下嘴唇皮,蓦地又转了口风:
- His thoughts wandered off on another tack. 他离开了原来的思路。
- I'll try another call in half an hour. 过半小时我再打个电话试试。
- It's not going to work this way, we'd better change tack and try another approach. 用这种方法做不行,我们应该改变方针,采取另一种方法。
- It's not going to work this way,we'd better change tack and try another approach. 用这种方法做不行,我们应该改变方针,采取另一种方法。
- That line didn't seem to register, so I took another tack. 看来这种说法不能引起他的注意,我就采取另一种策略。
- Another tack at light RUP is Robert Martin\'s dX process. 轻型RUP的另一个方针是RoberMartin的dx过程。
- This shirt is too big; I'll try another. 这件衬衫太大了;我试试件别的
- Go back to the previous page and try another. 返回上一页,并尝试另一种方法。
- Click the Back button to try another link. 单击后退按钮尝试其他链接。
- Try another solution besides releasing employees. 尝试其他方案,而不是裁员。
- Can we perhaps try another route? 我们是不是可以另试试别的路线?
- Since this method doesn't work, let's try another. 既然这个方法不行, 我们试试另一个。
- Driver: We can try another route. 司机:我们可以试试另一条路。
- Revered Shasta, let me try another possibility. 阿:尊敬的先生,让我试试另一种可能性。