- He tried to say something, but gulped, and no words came. 他想说什么,但哽住了,什么话都说不出来。
- He tried to say something, but gulp, and no word come. 他想说什麽,但哽住了,什麽话都说不出来。
- He tried to say something,but gulp,and no word come. 他想说什么,但哽住了,什么话都说不出来。
- I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. 我想说句话,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。
- He tried to say something but he was too weak to say a word. 他努力地想说些什么,但是他太虚弱了,一个字也说不出。
- I tried to say something but my mouth was full of cotton-wool . 我想说话但是嘴里塞满了药棉。
- He got to his feet and tried to say something to comfort the lady before leaving. 他站起来想在走之前说点什么来安慰这位太太。
- On one occasion, I tried to get her to say something about her husband, but she clammed up at that. 有时,我打算要她说出些她丈夫的情况,但她对此避而不谈。
- Gerhardt looked confused and tried to say something natural, but it was unavailing. 葛哈德现出惶惑的神情,试想说几句由衷的话,却总说不出口来。
- The doctor opened his mouth,tried to say something,but said nothing: he could not speak. 医师张开嘴,原想说一句话,可是什么也没说出来:他的舌头僵住了。
- Try to say that line with more conviction. 念这一行时; 要尽量带出坚定的语气.
- Just what is the artist trying to say in her work? 那艺术家在她的作品中究竟想表达什麽?
- Barkley, presuming on a previous acquaintance, tried to say something on my behalf, but the mayor only grunted and said: "The letters are clear. 巴克莱凭着同他们有一面之交,想替我说项,但那镇长咕噜着说:“介绍信倒是写得挺清楚的。”
- Try to say three sentences in a row. 尽量连续说三句。
- Try to say that line with more conviction . 念这一行时,要尽量带出坚定的语气。
- I try to say goodbye and I choke. 我尝试说再会,但我哽咽。
- He never hears what I am trying to say. 他从不听我要说的话!
- What I am trying to say is, I love you. 我想说的是,我爱你。
- What I'm trying to say is, I love you. 我想说的是,我爱你。
- She is so vague that I can never understand what she is trying to say. 她说话含含糊糊,我怎么也听不明白她想说些什么。