- Gel fillration of BSA gives a molecular weight estimate of 70, 000. How many tryptophan residues are present in a molecule of serum albumin? BSA的凝胶过滤给出分子量为70,000.;BSA分子中有多少个Trp残基?
- The results of synchronous fluorescence showed the polarity around tryptophan residues was decreased and the hydrophobicity was increased. 同步荧光的结果表明,作用点位靠近色氨酸,并且使色氨酸的疏水环境增强。
- The relationship between the micro environment of the two tryptophan residues and the inhibitory specificity of arrowhead protease inhibitors A and B (APIA and APIB) was studied by mutagenesis and fluorescence spectroscopy. 通过定点诱变结合荧光光谱学方法研究了慈菇蛋白酶抑制剂A和B(APIA和APIB)Trp残基周围构象与酶抑制专一性之间的关系。
- It was determined that each DPL molecule possesses 4 Tryptophan residues by means of pronase degradation with DAB as visualization reagent. Only one Trp residue was detected through NBS chemical modification in the pH 4.0, 0.1 mol/L acetic acid buffer. 本文采用链霉蛋白酶酶解,对二甲基氨基苯甲醛(DAB)为显色剂的方法,测得每个黑皮扁豆凝集素(Dolichos purpureus lectin,DPL)分子约含有4个色氨酸残基;
- Calculate the minimum molecular weight of BSA (i.e.. assuming there is only one tryptophan residue per protein molecule). 计算其最低分子量(即假定每个蛋白质分子中只有一个Trp)
- tryptophan residues 色氨酸残基
- Methionine, Lysine, Isoleucine and Tryptophan. 蛋氨酸、赖氨酸、异亮氨酸和色氨酸。
- Crop residues are left on the surface. 作物的残根留在地面。
- It is required to remove the residues of OA fluxes. 清除有机酸助焊剂的残留物是必须进行的。
- Both the R groups are alkoxy residues. 两个r基团都是烷氧基。
- If you are an angel wing that residues. 如果你是那个残翼的天使.
- Studies on Tryptophan Residue Modification and Fluorescence Spectrum of Hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶的色氨酸残基修饰与荧光光谱研究
- Residues of pesticides can build up in the soil. 残余的杀虫剂会在土壤中积淀起来。
- ALLERGY WARNING: May contain sulfite residues. 可能含有亚硫酸盐残留。
- The result indicated the enzymatic activity of the PLA2,which its Tryptophan,Arginine and NH2 residues were modified,were decreased to some extent. 结果表明色氨酸、精氨酸及氨基酸被修饰后PLA2酶活力均有不同程度的下降。
- Use of supplementary tryptophan to modify the behavior of pigs. 使用补充色氨酸来限制猪的行为。
- Serum tryptophan was lower in chicks fed low tryptophan diet. 血清色胺酸含量以喂饲低色胺酸饲粮者较低。
- Control subjects were given drinks that contained tryptophan. 而给另一组的饮料中含有色氨酸。
- She rates dozens of foods for their levels of tryptophan. 她对数十种食物的色氨酸水平进行了估计。
- Once in the brain, the tryptophan is converted to serotonin. 一旦进入大脑,色氨酸会被转化成血清素。