- tumor removing spoon 肿瘤取出匙
- Removal of ECoG monitoring is a good way to control the epilepsy after the tumor removal. 术中皮层脑电图监测切除或热灼癫痫灶是一种有效控制肿瘤切除术后癫痫发作的方法
- We report an alternative technique of small incision cataract surgery by using cutting board, cleaver, splitting forceps, and Mclntyre nucleus removal spoon to express a cataract through a 5mm small incision with-out a phaco machine. 摘要本篇报告介绍晶核切割术的手术方法,并探讨及比较两年多来,其与囊外白内障摘除术、晶体乳化术共一百零八个病例,在术后结果的差异。
- Results: Total tumor removal was achieved in 26 cases (83.9%) and subtotal tumor removal in 5 cases (16.1%). 结果:本组26例(83.;9%25)肿瘤达到全切除,5例(16
- All the patients received surgical tumor removal (7/9) or exploratory laparotomy with incisional biopsy (2/9). 有七例病人接受手术肿瘤切除,两例病人接受剖腹探查术与切片。
- Jane is scampering around the children's cancer center, nuzzling a toddler who had a brain tumor removed, when14- year-old Alexia walks in. 当14岁的雅莉克西亚走进儿童癌症中心时,珍妮正在附近蹦蹦跳跳,用鼻子摩蹭著1个刚切除脑瘤的幼儿。
- Total tumor removal was achieved in 1 case and incomplete removal in 2 cases in combined fronto temporal preauricular subtemporal approach group. 额颞联合耳前颞下入路全切除1例,次全切除2例;
- Often women with small tumors undergo lumpectomy to have the tumor removed. 往往是妇女与小肿瘤进行肿块切除有肿瘤拆除。
- Results Total tumor removal was achieved in 3 cases, subtotal removal in 1 case.There was no death or complications in the operation. 结果肿瘤全切除3例,大部切除1例,无手术死亡及严重并发症。
- He mashed up the potatoes with a spoon. 他用一把勺子把马铃薯捣成糊状。
- His soup spoon dropped onto the ground. 他的汤勺掉到了地上。
- ALBANY, N.Y.- Jane is scampering around the children's cancer center, nuzzling a toddler who had a brain tumor removed, when 14-year-old Alexia walks in. 当14岁的Alexia走进儿童癌症中心,小狗Jane正在那里到处跑跑,用鼻子轻轻碰擦一名手术摘除脑瘤,刚会蹒跚学步的幼儿。
- The spoon has been rusty from disuse. 汤匙因弃置不用而生锈了。
- Conclusion: Meningioma with blood in abundance after the stereotactic radiotherapy was bleeding little in surgical operation, hurt lightly, big department of tumor removed. 结论:对于血运丰富的肿瘤经立体定向放射治疗后在开颅手术中出血少、损伤轻、肿瘤大部能全切。
- We are removing from London to the country. 我们正从伦敦迁往乡下。
- Surgical treatment for supraglottic carcinoma aims at complete tumor removal and preservation of laryngeal functions such as swallowing, phonation and respi-ration. 摘要手术治疗声门上癌的目的乃在于完全切除病灶并保留喉头的功能,即如吞嚥、发声及呼吸。
- She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 她生来富贵。
- Conclusion The trans-frontal-callosal-interforniceal approach is o ne of the best choice for pineal region tumor removal in child.Di-rect corrido r,natural space make... 结论经额胼胝体-穹隆间入路是切除松果体区肿瘤的最佳入路之一,直视下操作,按生理间隙进入,肿瘤全切率高,术后合并症少。
- She ate soup with a silver spoon. 她用银匙喝汤。
- Surgical procedures performed include sleeve resection of trachea in 23 cases,carinal resection and reconstruction in 8 cases,and tumor removal through tracheal window in 1 case. 8例行气管隆凸切除重建术;1例行气管开窗、肿瘤刮除术。术后2例死亡,另有8例发生术后并发症。结论:手术切除是治疗气管肿瘤最有效的方法。