- tunica dura 巩膜
- Located on or over the dura mater. 硬脑(疹)膜上的,硬脑(脊)膜外的
- The epidermis arises from the tunica meristem. 表皮来源于分生组织近外方的细胞。
- The outermost layer of the dura mater. 硬脑脊膜的最外层
- Arachnoid ligaments fixed nerve root inside dura. 门)网膜韧带在硬膜囊内把神经前后根固定在硬膜侧壁上。
- Shanghai Dura Vehicle Components Co., Ltd. 上海德韧车用部件有限公司。
- Buon tempo e mal tempo non dura tutto il tempo. 好事坏事,都不长久。
- El amor eterno dura aproximadamente tres meses. 永恒的爱大约持续三个月。
- Tunica adventitia: entirely made of connective tissue. 外膜:完全由结缔组织构成。
- The spinal meningiomas can cause the dura thickening. 脊膜瘤可引起硬脊膜增厚。
- Have you ever received a dura mater (brain covering) graft? 您有做过脑硬膜移植吗?
- Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right. 右边是致密的粉红色结缔组织硬脑膜。
- Chronic suppurative inflammation in tunica mucosa was found in 1 case. 黏膜慢性炎伴化脓1例。
- The defects of basicranial bone and dura were repaired at the same time. 5例术后病理证实癌变者均补充放射治疗。
- Distinctive sign on brain MRI is strengthening signal in cerebral dura. MRI可见特征性的硬脑膜强化改变;
- Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia. 血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起外膜的变性。
- There are two Layers of cells in the tunica of the shoot apex of Sesa-mum indium and the second layer of cell of tunica. 芝麻茎尖有2层原套细胞,叶原基起源于原套的第二层。
- Fibrous pseudotumor is not uncommon in other sites of the body, but rarely occurs on the testicular tunica albuginea. 摘要伪瘤在其他器官发生的机会并非少见,但是发生在睪丸白膜则是相当罕见。
- The pathological diagnosis was fibrous pseudotumor of testicular tunica albuginea. (J Urol R. 患者经阴囊核磁共振扫描为一睪丸外多发结节性肿瘤后,接受左侧单纯睪丸切除术。
- Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia . 血管周围细胞的营养不足,引起外膜的变性。