- Objective To discuss how to lower the influence of turbid urine on urinalysis instrument. 探讨如何降低浑浊尿对尿液分析仪在测定蛋白的影响。
- The main function of XNS was to open sweat pores, circulate fluid in body, expel turbid urine and remove poisonous substances. 以开通玄府,流通气液,泻浊解毒立法的痴呆方醒脑散对老年性痴呆的治疗具有可靠的效果,值得进一步研究。
- If the child appears unexplained crying, vomiting, fever, turbid urine, hematuria, urinary oliguria even without the phenomenon requires an immediate visit to a local hospital. 如果孩子出现不明原因的哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液浑浊、血尿、少尿甚至无尿的现象,就需要立即到当地医院就诊。
- In case of unexplained crying, vomiting, fever, turbid urine, hematuria, or oliguria urinary symptoms, you must go to the hospital for further examination and treatment. 如出现不明原因的哭闹、呕吐、发热、尿液浑浊、血尿、少尿或无尿等症状,则一定要到医院进行进一步检查和治疗。
- If there turbid urine, difficulty urinating, and other symptoms, the need for timely to the hospital. 如出现尿液混浊、排尿困难等症状时,需要及时到医院就诊。
- reddish and whitish turbid urine 赤白浊
- The presence of hemoglobin in the urine. 血红蛋白尿尿液中出现血红蛋白
- splenasthenic turbid urine 脾浊
- Someone believes that a baby's urine is a kind of medicine. 有人相信婴儿的尿是一种药。
- reddish turbid urine 赤浊
- The doctor asked the patient if he noticed any blood in his urine. 医生问病人是否注意到尿中带血。
- whitish and turbid urine 白浊
- turbid urine 浊
- red turbid urine 赤浊
- Samples of urine and blood are taken and analyzed. 对尿样和血样进行分析化验。
- Cats urine glows under a black light. 猫尿在黑光灯下会发光。
- He passed blood in his urine again yesterday. 昨天他尿中又带血了。
- The uncontrolled or involuntary discharge of urine. 遗尿无法控制或非自觉地排尿
- I can't hold out (ie retain my urine) much longer; I must find a toilet. 我憋不住了(要小便), 得找个厕所。
- The emergency room reeks of stale urine. 医院急诊室充满着一种馊尿的恶臭。