- During the most turbulent times, television deepened the bond. 在最动荡的年代,电视加深了人们彼此之间的联系。
- Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times. 中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑。
- The wider sense of patriotism to the emperor and country could only be stimulated in turbulent times when a country was in danger of invasion by outside forces. 只是在面对异族入侵时,传统意义上的爱国情感才能被激发出来。
- Waiting In Beijing tells the story of one man's search for true love amid turbulent times. “北京等待”讲述了一个男人在动荡的年代寻找真爱的故事。
- Customers need to know they have a partner who will be on their side in turbulent times. 客户们需要知道你们是他们的伙伴,在动荡时期和他们站在一起。
- Hire ambitious people who are team-builders and good communicators,who can lead the organization in turbulent times without panicking. 雇佣那些踌躇满志雄心勃勃的人,他们是团队建设者和优秀的上传下达者,在企业面临困难的时候,他们也能引领企业奋斗于惊涛骇浪之中而不惊慌失措。
- SNAKE: You have some turbulent times ahead of you when love is concerned. You will meet new people and will spark the interest of someone. 一年的爱情,属蛇的朋友将会遇到一些困惑。会遇到一些你感兴趣的人,但并不适合你。
- Hire ambitious people who are team-builders and good communicators, who can lead the organization in turbulent times without panicking. 雇佣那些踌躇满志雄心勃勃的人,他们是团队建设者和优秀的上传下达者,在企业面临困难的时候,他们也能引领企业奋斗于惊涛骇浪之中而不慌失措。
- The boy has had a turbulent time and a lot has happened to him over the past few months. 这孩子经历了困难的时光,最近几个月在他身上发生的事情太多了。
- With jobs and companies vanishing during these turbulent times, it's important not to equate yourself with your place of work. 伴随着在这个浮躁的时代中许多工作和公司的消亡,对你来说重要的是不要把你和你现在的工作等同起来。
- Retail depositors tend not to yank their money out even in turbulent times, thanks to backing by federal deposit insurance. 由于有联邦存款保险担保,即使在市场动荡之时,零散储户通常也不会将存款提取出来。
- Mr. Brown acknowledges that turbulent times still lie ahead as the international financial problems filter down into the real economy. 布朗承认,随着国际金融问题逐渐渗入到真正的经济领域,前景仍然充满了动荡。
- John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn) directs and co-scripts with a passion for the ultimate ride and a truthful feel for those turbulent times. 导演约翰米亚斯及编剧写出了对滑浪的热诚,对这动荡时代身同感受。
- Keynes doubted that either force would reliably ensure enough investment to keep the economy fully employed, especially during turbulent times. 原译:凯恩斯怀疑,双方能否都投入充足资金来保证经济满负荷运转,尤其在动荡时期。
- On housing, we must trust Americans with the responsibility of homeownership and empower them to weather turbulent times in the housing market. 在住房领域,我们必须让美国人能够担起房屋所有人的责任,让他们有能力渡过房产市场的动荡期。
- Kosen-rufu is the loftiest form of human diplomacy.It is a struggle of communication the highest truth and justice.These are turbulent times. 广宣流布即是最高的人性外交、传达究极的真理与正义的奋斗。
- A genius born in the turbulent times with great talentand profound knowledge, he rises from a commoner to a legendaryfigure in the officialdom after two decades of struggle. 他是一个天才,生于纷繁复杂之乱世,身负绝学,以一介草民闯荡二十余年,终成大器。
- Noting the exceptionally turbulent times we live in, Sull offers practical suggestions (and work sheets) to enhance a company’s agility and ability to improvise. 二、事业组合灵活度:指的是迅速有效转移资源的能力,可以很快把现金、人才,甚至管理焦点,由不看好的单位移往前景看俏的地方。
- In these turbulent times, we can provide services ranging from subsidized loans to expert advisors willing to perform an emergency overhaul of your entire government. 在这动荡的年代,我们可以提供以下服务,从资助贷款,到愿意为贵国的整个政府进行紧急检修的专家顾问。
- In a series of intercut interviews the people who have shaped our world in the last few years relive these turbulent times and recount their personal involvement in world events. 风度翩翩的贝理雅,曾是国际政坛的闪烁新星,带英国走过十年寒暑。