- She did not turn her back on her friends when they needed help. 朋友需要她帮助的时候,她不会拒绝。
- Did she really turn her back on his proposal ? 她真地弃之不顾他的建议吗?
- Did she really turn her back on his proposal? 她真的拒绝了他的求婚?
- Abandon; ignore eg. Did she really turn her back on his proposal? 她真地对他的建议弃之不顾吗?
- She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him. 她受辱之后就不再理睬他了。
- She react to the insult by turning her back on him. 她受他侮辱之後就不再理睬他了。
- France was to turn her back on shipboard aviation for another ten years. 在法国,舰上飞行整整被推迟了十年。
- She turned her back on them when they needed her. 他们需要她的时候,她却背弃了他们。
- Should I neglect all this to gaze after one who has turned her back on me? 我可以不管这些,只凝望着背弃我的那个人么?
- I helped her through all her difficulties and now she turns her back on me. 我帮助她度过很多难关,现在她却不理我!
- Yet, amazingly, when Israel turned her back on God, He stuck with her. 然而,令人惊奇的是,当以色列背弃上帝时,他却不放手。
- She turned her back on the street and descended into the underground station. 她从街上转身走下地铁站。
- When Mother Nature decides to turn her back on the North every fall, the beauty of multi-colored leaves and breezy days only last so long. 每逢秋天,当大自然母亲决定告别北方时,色彩绚烂的树叶和微风轻拂的好日子便从此远去。
- The teacher get a raspberry as she turn her back. 该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发出嘲笑她的声音。
- When Mother Nature decides to turn her back on the North every fall,the beauty of multi-colored leaves and breezy days only last so long. 每逢秋天,当大自然母亲决定告别北方时,色彩绚烂的树叶和微风轻拂的好日子便从此远去。
- She listens to me well enough ordinarily,but then she turns her back on me and answers that he is too stupid. 她平时很听我的话,但一听到我讲这句话时就转过脸去,回答我说这个人太蠢了。
- She listens to me well enough ordinarily, but then she turns her back on me and answers that he is too stupid. 她平时很听我的话,但一听到我讲这句话时就转过脸去,回答我说这个人太蠢了。
- But at the age of 40, Liz Hurley is turning her back on the bikini - even the ones she has designed herself. 但随著时光的流逝,这位现年40岁的美人也开始变得对自己的身材不那麽自信了。日前,她在接受媒体采访时表示,自己穿著比基尼的好日子已经结束。
- We never knew her to cry till that day when a high wind lashed the willows outside the window and, turning her back on the class-room and on us, she wept to the blustering wind. 我们从来没有看到她哭过。大风在窗外倒拔着杨树那天,她背向着教室,也背向着我们,对着窗外的大风哭了。
- She turned her back on him. 她不理睬他。