- You'd better do what he says or he'll turn nasty. 你最好照他说的做,否则他就不客气了。
- Protests turn nasty as EU summit opens. 欧盟高峰会登场,反全球化人士大举闹场。
- Englishness can also turn nasty. “英格兰化”也可以变得令人厌恶。
- It looks as though the weather is going to turn nasty again. 好像又要变天了。
- If you keep goading her with those insults she may turn nasty. 假如你继续用这种污辱的话刺激她,她可能变得很难对付。
- He turned nasty when I said I couldn't pay him. 当我说我不能付他钱时,他发怒了。
- He turns nasty if you laugh at him. 你如果笑他,他就要发怒。
- In an editorial, The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty. 《独立报》在一篇社论中暗示,这胜利最终可能并非好事。
- He turned nasty when we refused to give him the money. 我们不给他钱,他就凶相毕露了。
- Such injuries are usually the result of mating duels, but feeding spats can turn nasty as well. 伤口可能是由于争夺配偶造成的,也可能是在偷吃鸟蛋的时候留下的。
- If it turns nasty we will shut off communications for a while. 要是闹得下不了台,我们就将联系断绝一个时候。
- Conceited, self-important individuals turn nasty toward those who puncture their bubbles of self-love. 自负、以为高人一等的人,会以暴力威胁戳破他们自我形象的人。
- Conceited, self-important individuals turn nasty toward those who puncture their bubbles of self-love . 自负、以为高人一等的人,会以暴力威胁戳破他们自我形象的人。
- But brawls develop outside the joints when punters turn nasty, and some frustrated folk menace women who pass by on the street. 但是当勾引对象面露凶相时便会爆发争吵。一些心情郁闷者会威胁街上来往的女人们。
- All he could do when the bull turned nasty was to run for all he was worth. 那公牛发怒时,他所能做的只是拼命跑。
- They will also play affectionately with their offspring but will often turn nasty if a youngster pesters too stubbornly or an adolescent male challenges for dominance. 他们还将发挥深情地与它们的后代,但往往会转恶劣,如果年轻人苦恼太顽固或一青春期男性为领导地位而挑战。
- Many Hong Kong citizens have taken a two-track approach since 1997: slavish adherence to China; and a second passport stashed away, lest the new sovereign power turn nasty. 很多香港市民自97年起就“双管齐下”:顺从地依附中国;同时私藏着第二本护照,免得新的独立政权变得猥琐。
- And a woman had to yield. A man was like a child with his appetites. A woman had to yield him what he wanted, or like a child he would probably turn nasty and flounce away and spoil what was a very pleasant connexion. 可是女人不得不退让,男于是象孩子般的嘴馋的,他要什么女人便得绘什么,否则他便孩子似的讨厌起来,暴躁起来把好事弄糟。
- A long-running dispute between two of Europe's most prickly neighbours is turning nasty. 斯匈两国邻而不睦,由来已久,而现在两国纠脸面进一步撕破。
- When it's fun, the Chinese Net seems like a wonderfully anarchic playground; when it turns nasty, it's a nightmare from Lord of the Flies. 当一切太平的时候;中国的网络就像一个精彩的;无拘无束的游乐场;一旦问题产生;它将是一场挥之不去的噩梦.