- The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition. 该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。
- turn out rumour 证实谣言
- The policeman made the thief turn out his pockets. 警察叫小偷把口袋都翻出来。
- The rumour turned out to be true. 那谣言后来被证明是真的。
- Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed. 临睡前别忘了关灯。
- He's a sensible and clever boy, and ought to turn out well. 他是个聪明懂事的孩子,将来准会有出息的。
- I wish I hadn't to turn out in this cold, foggy weather. 在这寒冷而多雾的天气里,我要是不必外出该有多好。
- The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman. 列车长原来是一位青年妇女。
- They could not have foreseen how things would turn out. 他们不可能预知事情的结果。
- I knew it would turn out to be one of those days when I overslept. 我明白,如果我睡过头,那结果会是很不妙的。
- I'm sure it will turn out a futile attempt. 我肯定这会是白费功夫。
- The whole town turned out to welcome the team home. 镇上居民全体出动迎接该队归来。
- The rumour of a petrol shortage turns out to be a false alarm. 汽油短缺的谣传原来是一场虚惊。
- Do you think the crops will turn out well? 你想庄稼会长得不错吗?
- He turned out to be fickle - he has left me. 他原来是个善变的人 - 他离开我了。
- The English evening turned out a great success. 结果英语晚会开得很成功。
- The man turned out to be a marvelous orator. 那人成了一位优秀的演说者。
- The surprise party turn out as flat as a pancake. 这次本想让大家感到惊奇的聚会到头来却十分扫兴。
- The whole village turned out to welcome the pope. 全村的人都出来欢迎教皇。
- Everything was turning out most satisfactory. 一切都非常趁心如意。