- With the increasing need of diversification and individuation, more and more enterprises turn their steps to multi-kind and small batch production. 顾客对产品的需求日益多样化和个性化,致使越来越多的企业开始转向了多品种、小批量生产。
- Four express delivery magnates turn their steps to channel competition in China 四大快递巨头在华转入渠道战
- They retraced their steps to where they started. 他们顺原路又折回到他们出发的地点。
- They timed their steps to the drumbeat. 他们合着击鼓声跳舞。
- They synchronized their steps in the race. 他们在跑步时步调一致。
- turn their stepsvt. 转身走去(转而)
- The marchers timed their steps to the drumbeat . 列队行进的人按着鼓点调整他们的步伐。
- They will turn their backs upon him. 他们会厌弃他。
- Firemen turned their hoses on the flames. 消防队员将水管对准火苗。
- Turn their pram into a Space Rocket! Smart Babies! 他们将婴儿车改装成火箭,直奔太空!
- Would you turn their distress into a malediction? 你要借他们的苦难来咒骂他们吗?
- The girls had to hasten their steps to keep pace with his. 女孩子们得加快步子才能赶得上他。
- US Investment Banks: A Spring In Their Step? 美国投资银行业重现活力?
- turn their steps tovt. 转身走去(转而)
- turn their steps towardsvt. 转身走去(转而)
- It was dark; they had to turn their face towards their home. 天黑了他们不得不朝家走去。
- When it began to get dark,they bent their steps homewards. 天开始黑下来时,他们转身回家。
- Their steps and movements were formal rather than difficult. 芭蕾的舞步和舞姿有正规的形式,而不是难度很大。
- So the cats often turn their attention toward the easiest quarry. 所以这些大猫常将注意力转到最容易的资源。
- The voices of their steps faded away in the dark street. 他们的脚步声消失在黑暗的街道中。