- He turned up his nose at what I said. 他对我所说的不屑一听。
- He turns up his nose at my offer. 他对我的建议嗤之以鼻。
- Just now he turns up his nose at overalls. 目前他还看不上工作服。
- He turned up his nose at my offer. 他对我的报价嗤之以鼻。
- He turns up his nose at anyone who hasn't had a college education. 他瞧不起没有受过大学教育的人。
- Jack thinks he should only get steak,and he turns up his nose at hamburger. 杰克认为他应该非吃牛排不可,所以对汉堡包就不屑一顾。
- He thinks he should only get steak,and he turns up his nose at hamburger. 他认为他只该吃牛排,所以他瞧不上汉堡包。
- Jack thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger. 杰克认为他应该非吃牛排不可,所以对汉堡包就不屑一顾。
- He thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger. 他认为他只该吃牛排,所以他瞧不上汉堡包。
- My friend turns up his nose at anyone who hasn't had a college education. 我的朋友对没有受过大学教育的人一律瞧不起。
- He always turned up his nose at it, and never had a kind word for it. 他总是瞧不起这个,从来没有一句好话。
- Bingley's aristocratic friend Fitzwilliam Darcy, who turns up his nose at the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and snubs her daughters. 出席舞会的还有彬格莱的贵族朋友费茨威廉·达西,他对班纳特太太的粗俗嗤之以鼻,还怠慢了她的女儿们。
- He quirked up his nose to make a face. 他鼻子一扬作了个鬼脸。
- Bingley's aristocratic friend Fitzwilliam Darcy,who turns up his nose at the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and snubs her daughters. 出席舞会的还有彬格莱的贵族朋友费茨威廉·达西,他对班纳特太太的粗俗嗤之以鼻,还怠慢了她的女儿们。
- His little brother wrinkled up his nose at a nasty smell. 他的小弟弟闻到那难闻的味皱起鼻子。
- He wrinkled up his nose at the bad smell. 闻到臭气,他皱起了鼻子。
- I think I can turn up his letter if I look through the files. 我想我能在案卷内找到他的信。
- He snorted the powder up his nose. 他用鼻子吸入粉末。
- He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风。
- I have seldom see a man who has got it so thoroughly up his nose. 我很少见到有人这么狂怒。