- You shouldn't turn up your nose at any job. 你不应该瞧不起任何工作。
- You may turn up your nose at me, Lucille, but I'm bringing my cousin Belinda to our next party. 露西尔,尽管你瞧不起我,但我还要带我表妹贝琳达来参加我们下次的舞会。
- You should not turn up your noses at each other,but should try to see each other's good points. 你们不应该互相看不起,而应该看到彼此的优点。
- turn up your nose atvt. 对 ... 之以鼻(瞧不起)
- You should not look down your nose at him. 你不应该瞧不起他。
- It is impolite to blow your nose at table. 在吃饭时擦鼻涕是不礼貌的。
- My two children always turn up their nose at vegetable. 我的两个孩子总是不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- My two children always turn up their noses at vegetables. 我的两个孩子总是不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- She turned up her nose at their simple fare. 她瞧不上他们的便餐。
- He turned up his nose at what I said. 他对我所说的不屑一听。
- It is bad manners to blow your nose at the table. 吃饭时擤鼻涕是不礼貌的。
- Turn up your trouser legs and they won't get wet. 把裤腿卷起来就不会湿了。
- He turns up his nose at my offer. 他对我的建议嗤之以鼻。
- It is bad manners to blow your nose at table. 吃饭时擤鼻子是不礼貌的行为。
- She turned up her nose at my civility. 我献殷勤时,他翘起了鼻子。
- Just now he turns up his nose at overalls. 目前他还看不上工作服。
- Betsy turned up he r nose at these mushrooms. 贝齐对这些蘑菇不屑一顾
- It's only gonna be awkward if you still shove grapes up your nose. 要是你还这么跟酸葡萄似的。那才真尴尬呢。
- He turned up his nose at my offer. 他对我的报价嗤之以鼻。
- Dust flies out of your nose at 100 mph when you sneeze. 当你打喷嚏的时候,从你的鼻孔里喷出的微粒尘埃,时速达100英里。