- Police Constable Smith and Jones are on patrol. 警员史密斯和琼斯正在巡逻。
- tutor police constable 训导警员
- Tutor Police Constable Scheme 训导警员计划
- Police Constable Brown trudged his lonely beat. 布朗警官拖着沉重的脚步走在冷冷清清的巡逻线上。
- Woman police constable macintosh is at the scene of the accident. 女警员梅克英多西曾在事故现场。
- The police constable's report is improperly made out. 该警员的报告书写得不正确。
- Woman police constable Macintosh was at the scene of the accident. 女警员梅克英多西曾在事故现场。
- Woman police constable Macintosh was at the scene of the accident . 女警员梅克英多西曾在事故现
- The police constable's report is improperly make out. 该警员的报告书写得不正确。
- Tse, his driver and a police constable were later convicted of conspiring to pervert the course. 不久以后,谢霆锋,他的司机以及一名警员被指控“串谋顶包”的罪名。
- Gently but very firmly, Police Constable Brown helped the little man to his feet. 布朗警官轻轻地但是坚定地扶他站起来。
- With overtime, an ordinary police constable can earn about $80,000 a year, roughly the same as the editor of a daily newspaper. 加上加班费,一位普通最低级警官一年可以挣大约八万英镑,和日报编辑差不多。
- A woman police constable came in with a cup of tea and a very thick cheese sandwich. Bloggs thanked her and greedily set about the sandwich. 一名女警察手端一杯茶和一块厚厚的奶酪三明治走了起来。布洛格斯向她道了谢,然后狼吞虎咽地吃起来。
- A man was jailed for six months for misleading ICAC officers by fabricating a corruption complaint against a Detective Police Constable. 一名男子造贪污举报,诬告一名侦缉警员,因而误导廉政公署人员,被判入狱六个月。
- Woman Police Constable seemed to small technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a bionic simulation handicraft production companies. 小女警顺心工艺(苏州)有限公司是一家生产仿生仿真手工艺品的公司。
- An investigation is underway to find out why a police constable shot dead an unarmed homeless man in a park in Ho Man Tin. 警方正调查一名警员为什麽在何文田一公园内开枪击毙一名无武器的流浪汉。
- A Senior Police Constable was charged for allegedly using false receipts to interfere with a Police internal investigation, and stealing his warrant card for sale. 廉政公署落案起诉一名高级警员,控告他涉嫌使用虚假发票以干扰警方一项内部调查,及涉嫌盗窃委任证,并将其出售予他人。
- My tutor is an accomplished scholar. 我的导师是一位学识渊博的学者。
- A Senior Police Constable was jailed for six months for attempting to swindle money out of a stall operator by fabricating a fund raising exercise for a police football team. 一名高级警员,讹称为警察足球队找赞助,企图向一名菜档东主骗取金钱,被判入狱六个月。
- Two police constables and an inspector attended the scene. 两名警官和一名警员参与到了当时的情况中。