- Sometimes they had nothing to do in the office and just sat twiddling their thumbs. 有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐著无聊地打发时间。
- Every day these officials do nothing and twiddle their thumbs. 每天这些官老爷们什么也不干穷极无聊。
- Why should I be left alone holding the baby while all the boys are sitting around and twiddling their thumbs? 为什么这些苦差事都得我一个人干而男孩子们却懒洋洋地坐在那儿,闲得没事干?
- It is better for retirees to do something meaningful rather than twiddling their thumbs every day. 退休人员最好做些有意义的事,不要每天浪费时间。
- It does not seem like a good idea for people to be working at full tilt one day and twiddling their thumbs the next. 让人们一天全负荷工作并且接下来的一天则无所事事似乎并不是个好主意。
- But they’re the ones who are sitting at their desks, twiddling their thumbs and doing pro bono to keep busy,” the lawyer said. 可现在他们闲得坐在办公桌前玩手指,只有这些免费咨询能让他们有点事情做。”
- These "old girl" network is twiddling their thumbs, sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families' "skeletons". 这些娘们都闲得无聊,不是坐在那里说长道短,就是三五成群地谈论别人家的“丑闻”。
- These “old girls” are twiddling their thumbs, sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families' “skeletons”. 这些娘们儿都闲得无聊,不是坐在那里说长道短,就是三五成群的谈论别人家的“丑闻”。
- THE financial crisis means that most lawyers and bankers specialising in mergers and acquisitions are twiddling their thumbs. 金融危机已经使大多数从事并购的律师和银行家们变的无所事是。
- Instead of twiddling their thumbs inside the camp's barbed wire, however, they play tricks on their captors and sabotage more than a few German plans. 然而,他们玩弄那些俘获他们的人并且蓄意破坏了许多德国人的计划,而不是在带刺的铁丝网内无所事事。
- We stopped production for five months.... We paid them all to twiddle their thumbs while the team perfected the story into what became Toy Story. 我们一度将工期暂停了5个月......我们让每个人都拿着工资放大假去了。
- Sometimes they have nothing to do in the office and just sit twiddle their thumb. 有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐着无聊地打发时间。
- Why bother trying to compete for world firsts if the leading guild has to twiddle their thumbs waiting for the next stage to be open, watching everyone and his mother catch up. 世界的一流工会全部都茫然地等待着下一道大门的开启,看着其他的公会乃至自己老妈的公会有足够的时间达到于自己不相伯仲的水准。
- twiddled their thumbsv. 抚弄大拇指(闲得无聊;不耐烦地靡时间)
- They unanimously turned their thumbs up. 他们一致表示赞成。
- Do you know anyone who used to suck their thumbs? 你知道谁以往吮吸手指头吗?
- Distributors from Vietnam give their thumbs up! 越南直销商举起拇指叫好!
- Most children suck their thumbs but they grow out of it. 大多数孩子都吮拇指,大了就好了。
- Chinese people turn up their thumbs to express their appreciation. 中国人竖起大拇指表示赞赏。
- They have nothing to do But twiddle their thumbs and while away their time by shooting the Breeze 他们闲得无聊,只好以侃大山的方式消磨时光