- There will be two bridges over the river. 河上将有两座桥。
- The government has budgeted for two bridges in the city. 政府已在预算中拨款在该城市造两座桥。
- The Scheldt - Two bridges to centre island replaced with land bridges. 两座通往中央岛屿的桥梁被换成了地面桥梁。(炸不断的那种。)
- These two bridges were planned and built equally successfully using different methods. 这两座桥的设计、造型异曲同工。
- Across the Hellespont he had the Phoenicians and Egyptians place two bridges of ships, held together by cables of flax and papyrus. 在横过达达尼尔海峡的时候,他已经有了腓尼基和埃及两块地方,用亚麻布和纸草文书做成绳索,再加上船只,把两边连起来,制成了船桥。
- The Project involves the operation of primarily at-grade Eastern Access Road and two bridges over the two branches of the drainage channels. 工程项目涉及营办主要建于地面的东面通道,以及在排水渠的两条支管上面两条天桥。
- However,others have different opinions and th ink that the location of the two bridges is far away and there should be no conn ection between them. 有的学者则持有异议,认为沙河古桥与所谓的“汉唐西渭桥”之位置相去颇远,两者之间毫无关联。
- They would seize the two bridges at Harpers Ferry and close them.Next, they would capture the armory and the rifle factory. 布朗说,上帝已经告诉他,利用他已经准备好的武装力量进攻维吉尼亚州来开始这一奴隶起义。
- In this activity, a Driver Coil connected to the Power Amplifier is used to vibrate a thin wire that is stretched over two “bridges” on a Sonometer. 本实验中,采用一个与功率放大器相连的驱动线圈来使绷紧在振动频率计两桥臂上的细金属丝产生振动。
- The most obvious is formation of two bridges in the previously vacant middle of the protein, which strengthens the interaction between the two halves of the complex. 最明显的变化就是在蛋白质之前空隙中间产生两个桥梁,这就更加增强了复合物两个部分之间的相互作用。
- The rest of the bank of the Seine was now a naked strand, the same as beyond the Bernardins; again, a throng of houses, standing with their feet in the water, as between the two bridges. 河岸其他部分,或者如过了贝尔纳丹修道院都是光秃秃的河滩,或者如两座桥梁中间都是些屋基浸在河里的重重叠叠的民舍。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Two adjacent CuN 2Cl 3 polyhedra are condensed via two bridging Cl atoms to result in an edge shared bi square pyramid. 配位多面体通过两氯原子形成共棱的Cu2 N4Cl6双四方锥。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- The two cyclopentadienyl groups in metallocence compexes can be linked by one or two bridging groups to form ansa-metallocence catalyst precursors. 摘要茂金属化合物中两个茂环可以通过一个或两个桥基相连接,形成各种桥联茂金属催化剂前驱体。
- two bridges were thrown across the Hellespont. 两条桥梁跨越了达达尼尔海峡。
- She has two cars and in addition a motorboat. 她有两辆轿车外加一艘汽艇。
- The two bridges of direct current 直流双电桥
- The meat marinated in the brine for two days. 这块肉在盐水里泡了两天。
- At that time he had two helpers. 当时他有两个助手。