- two prime ministers of ZHANG 宰相二张
- Taro Aso will be the Prime Ministers of Japan. 麻生太郎将出任日本的下任首相。
- Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain. 希思先生是英国前任首相。
- The two prime ministers vary in their manner of dealing with a question. 两位首相在处理问题的方式上不同。
- The two prime ministers exchanged views on questions of common concern. 两位总理就共同关心的问题交换了意见。
- The two prime ministers discussed the matter and found they were at one; both wanted to avoid a trade war at any cost. 两位总理讨论了这个问题,发现他们的看法是一致的,双方都愿意不惜任何代价避免贸易战。
- Who is the Prime Minister of Britain? 英国的首相是谁?
- When our two Prime Ministers met in 2006 they agreed that UK-China relations were in the best ever shape. 中英两国首脑于2006年会晤时,一致认为两国的友好关系达到了最好的阶段。
- Pranab Mukherjee says details of their discussion will not emerge until after their two prime ministers meet Saturday. 慕克吉说,在两国总理星期六举行会谈之前,讨论的细节将不对外公布。
- Who is the prime minister of Canada? 谁是加拿大的总理?
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? 澳洲第一个总理是?
- The two prime ministers will talk about cooperation between the two countries in major international and regional issues, Razov said. 大使介绍说,两国总理会晤期间还将讨论发展两国地区间合作和边境合作的问题。
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? 谁是加拿大第一位总理?
- He is a Prime Minister of working class origin. 他是一位工人出身的总理。
- What is the name of the prime minister of Canada? 加拿大总理的名字是什么?
- The Prime Minister doubles as Minister of Finance. 总理兼任财政部长。
- Heading the bill was the prime minister of China. 领衔人物为中国总理。
- He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour and a half. 他和日本首相会见了一个半小时。
- Moderator: We should conscientiously implement the understanding of Zhang's deputy prime minister instructed us build the Internet, use and manage. 主持人:我们今天要认真的体会贯彻张德江副总理的指示、要求,把我们的互联网事业建设好、利用好、管理好。
- He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour. 他和日本首相会见了一个小时。