- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. 那两组交通灯不同步。
- Research workers find it hard to correlate the two sets of figures. 研究人员发现很难使这两组数字互相关连。
- Researchers cannot correlate the two sets of figures. 研究者们看不出这两组数字有什麽联系。
- An organism with more than two sets of chromosomes. 多倍体生物具有两套以上染色体的有机体
- The two sets of figures don't match. 这两组数字不一致。
- There were two sets of fresh tyre tracks outside. 外面有两组新的车辙。
- A: Two sets of this kind of post-cards, please. 请拿两套这种明信片。
- He began to take down the two sets of films. 他开始把两组底片拿了下来。
- Two sets of programmable automatic massage cycle. 二组程式自动按摩循环。
- That two sets of books were separately invoiced. 这两套书分别开了发票。
- The two sets of lightest rack EFP systems of CCTV. 中央电视台的两套最轻量的箱载EFP系统。
- Cross two sets of traffic lights. 穿过两个红绿灯。
- The two sets of calculation do not agree. 两套计算出的结果不一至
- There are two sets of throttles in the VERT-LEVS. 有两套的垂直节流,列弗。
- two sets of bedding 两床铺盖
- Then he played the recordings to two sets of people. 然后,他将录音放给两拨人听。
- The difference in our two sets of examples is plain. 以上两组例证之间的区别是一目了然的;
- "Columnar" joint blocks are formed by two sets of joints. “长柱状”节理块是由两组节理组成。
- After losing two sets of tennis,Kenneth hauled down his colo(u)rs. 肯尼思在网球比赛中连输两盘后就认输了。
- The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium. 双方的支持者在体育场外打了起来。