- two variable linear regression 二元线性回归模型
- Two mathematical models of bluish dogbane textile processing were set up by single variable linear regression analysis: one is for the mass of No. 利用回归分析方法,建立了红麻纺织加工中软麻油用量与气候温度,软麻油用量与落屑量两个数学模型,继而得出获取最大经济效益的数学模型。
- The package requires no knowledge of forecasting and supports several mathematical forecasting models, including single variable linear regression, multi-variable linear regression, and so on. 这个软件包不要求您了解任何预测知识,并且支持几个数学预测模型,包括单变量线性回归、多变量线性回归等。
- An Elementary Solution to Single Variable Linear Regression Coefficient 一元线性回归系数的初等求法
- Multiple variables linear regression 多元线性回归
- Keywords bluish dogbane textile processing;single variable linear regression analysis;mathematical model.; 红麻纺织加工;回归分析方法;数学模型;
- Linear Regression with Transformations of the dependent variable. 线性回归与变革的因变量。
- Dave: How can we sell our watches with two variable prices? 可是,咱们咋了能给同样的手表卖两个价钱呢?
- SECRET is a new algorithm for scalable linear regression trees. SECRET是一个关于可伸缩线形回归树的算法。
- In order to solve these two problems, we just introduced multiple linear regression analysis method. 为了解决这两个标准的问题,我们引入了多元线性回归分析方法。
- This Paper discusses the linear regression of one variable from the vie-wpoint of convex set and convex function in the light of the MSAE principles. 本文用凸集和凸函数观点讨论按MSAE准则下的一元线性回归.
- The last two variables are generic entries. 最后两个变量是网络的一般入口。
- First of all, we use the multiple linear regression analysis to forecast the variable factors and to discuss which one can influence the LGD. 中文摘要本研究以国内某商业银行将其不良债权出售与资产管理公司后,挑选自1992年起至2002年间该银行135件企业贷款案件为研究样本。
- For more information, see Microsoft Linear Regression Algorithm. 有关详细信息,请参阅Microsoft线性回归算法。
- Examples of neural coding. Simple linear regression. 神经编码的例子与简单的线性回归。
- When applying regression analysis, people sometimes find a relationship between two variables that, in fact, have no common bond. 在应用回归分析时,有时人们所确定的两个变量之间的关系,事实上并不存在。
- Grabau first recognized the interrelations of the two variables. 葛利普最早认识到这两种变动的关系。
- A digital direct predistortion method with a variable linear degrees of power amplifiers is presented. 摘要提出了一种功放线性度可调的数字基带直接预失真线性化技术方法。
- Function to read data from a file into two variables. 函数将数据从文件读入两个变量。