- two welding torches 双焊炬
- Weld torch orientation is characterized with traveling angle, working angle and rotating angle. Path planning of arc welding robot includes below two. 弧焊机器人工作路径规划包括两方面的内容:一是以焊缝转角和焊缝倾角为描述参数,规划焊缝使之处于平焊或船形焊或小角度的下坡焊位置;
- Renqiu City Songyuan Welding Torch Manufacture Co., Ltd. 任丘市松源焊枪制造有限公司。
- Chengdu Hengtai Welding Torch Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 成都恒泰焊枪制造有限公司。
- The glare on the windshields etches your eyes like a welding torch. 挡风玻璃上的闪光犹如电焊枪一样刻蚀你的双眼。
- In the continuous path case, they might be used to track the desired weld path ahead of the welding torch. 在连续路径的情况下,传感器则用于跟踪测定焊枪按要求应经过的焊接路线。)
- The next one goes two weld rings aft from the forward end of the stern section or use the measurement. 未来一,云二焊缝戒指,从尾部向前年底严峻节或使用的测量。
- The apparatus is composed of a butt-welding tracker,a welding arm,adjustment mechanism and welding torch. 为此,研制了一套新型螺旋焊管内焊装置。
- The working hat with white element, blue coverall, leather shoes of yellow turning over wool, shiny welding torch. 素白的工作帽,蓝色的工作服,黄色的翻毛皮鞋,锃亮的焊枪。
- Consists of laser collimation, CCD image and welding torch, using CCD to detect the height of welding torch from mouth. 它由激光准直系统、CCD投影成像系统和焊接定位系统组成。
- The swing welding is carried out automatically by welding torch based on set excursion and swing frequency. 焊枪按设定的摆幅和摆频,自动进行摆动焊接,焊接中并可按需调整焊接参数。
- This test can't be passed, because we find there are two weld lines in the surface of GD5902. (See the pictures) This problem can easily lead to failure in the dropping test. 这个测试是不能获得通过,我们发现GD5902表面有两个熔接线,你可以看到图片,因为这个问题的存在很容易导致跌落测试破裂。
- A new welding torch was designed for ultra-narrow welding with flux strips constraining arc. 设计并试验研究焊剂带约束电弧超窄间隙焊接的焊枪。
- It matches international well-known argon-arc welding machine and welding torch cooling system, guaranteeing long-term continuous production. 配备的国际知名品牌氩弧焊机及及焊枪冷却装置,可保障生产的长期持续进行。
- "But I think we should go belowdecks and apply a welding torch to that Tesla first, and get a little more intel information out of him. 杰克回答。“但我想我们应该先到下层甲板去,用焊枪对付泰斯拉,从他嘴里撬点情报出来。”
- Most torches work on two batteries. 大多数电筒要用两节电池。
- Welding torch welding torch, also known as, the role is to combustible gases mixed with oxygen to form a certain flame welding energy. 手轮焊炬又名焊枪,作用是将可燃气体与氧气混合,形成具有一定能量的焊接火焰。
- Through metallographic analyses , it was found that there was a big difference between the two welding seam texture shapes, the first welding seam basically was acerose or feathery austenite, and the second was crumby austenite. 通过金相分析,发现两道焊缝组织形态区别很大,第1道焊缝基本为针片状或羽毛状奥氏体,第2道焊缝却成团块状奥氏体。
- Renqiu City Dongming Welding Fittings Factory was founded in 1992, specializing in the production of CO2 protection welding torch and accessories. 任丘市东明焊接配件厂成立于1992年,专业生产CO2保护焊枪及配件。
- This paper presents a welding machine back of the design, namely a welding torch can be synchronized with the mobile pads car. 本文主要介绍了一种自动焊背面成型机的设计,即一种可以实现跟随焊枪同步移动的垫片小车。