- Labor Day weekend is usually the finish of summer. 劳动节周末假期通常是夏日的结束。
- Kevin with us at Vancouver Lake Park, WA on Labor Day weekend. 恺恩和我们大家在华盛顿州温哥华湖公园更多照片。
- What are you going to do over the three day weekend? 你这三天的周末要做什么?
- There will be no school on the Memorial Day weekend (May 24). 五月二十四日是长周末?按照惯例将没有中文学校。
- Some methods and suggestions are put forth on how to manage well sports activities on campus at two day weekend and teach students skills of reasonably arranging their spare time. 本文就如何策划管理好“双休日”大学校园体育活动,教会学生合理安排余暇时的运动技能等问题,提出了一些方法和建议。
- That break-in occurred over Memorial Day weekend in 1981, when Kevin and two friends decided to physically enter Pacific Bell's COSMOS phone center in downtown Los Angeles. 那休息-在 1981 年在国殇纪念日周末期间发生, 当凯文和二位朋友决定身体上地进入太平洋的铃宇宙电话在市中心的洛杉矶的中心时候。
- The results were released in the middle of a sunny Memorial Day weekend. 极少的欧洲人阅读过欧洲宪法,更不用说美国人。
- All mills came out of the Labor Day weekend with good OCC inventories. 所有的纺织厂出来的劳工节周末,与良好的协调中心的库存。
- The Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous is a Revolutionary War battle re-enactment held annually on Memorial Day weekend. 温森斯会合纪念日会于每年国殇日那个周末举办,它会重新上演独立战争此一戏码。
- But, just when I think I am getting there-I learn over the National Day weekend, that a red door is the telltale sign of a brothel. 但是,当我以为自己已经很不错了,在国庆日的那个周末,我才知道原来把门漆上红色是向人暗示这房子是间妓院。
- Shanghai Tzu Chi volunteers held the Buddha Day Ceremony ahead of time, over the long Labor Day weekend. 中国大陆上海慈济志工,利用五一劳动节的连续假日,特别提前举办浴佛典礼。
- Millions of Americans on the go this Memorial Day weekend are taking a hit at the gas pumps. 本周末是阵亡将士纪念日,百万美国民众却遭遇了油价的冲击。
- Since 1990, some have made the annual concert a part of their Memorial Day weekend. 从1990年开始,一些家庭就将年度音乐会作为他们阵亡士兵纪念日周末的一部分了。
- There will be no classes over the long Memorial Day weekend next week, May 27. We hope you have a pleasant holiday! 下星期六适逢国殇日长周末;本校循例放假一天;祝大家有一个充实的假期.
- President Bush opened the Memorial Day weekend with a call for Americans to rededicate themselves to the war on terror. 本周末(美国)阵亡将士纪念日在总统布什的主持下开始了,会议上布什呼吁美国民众为反恐事业而奋斗。
- Endline met the truck on Labor Day weekend after it passed through customs at Kennedy International Airport. 早在上世纪70年代中期的“水门事件”中,公关人员就扮演了试图将尼克松总统同丑闻摆脱干系的不光彩角色。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。
- Ernesto is looking to ruin the start of Labor Day weekend for much of the east coast. 欧内斯特要毁灭东海岸的大部分人的劳动周的开始。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。