- The 0.42ppm peak shoulder in the high field region is the upfield shift peak of A_2-isoleucine shielded by the proximate A_(19)-tyrosyl in the three-dimensional structure and it disappears in the DOI spectrum. 高场区0.;42ppm的峰肩为A_2-异亮氨酸在三维结构中受邻近A_(19)-酪氨酸屏蔽影响的高场位移峰;该峰在DOI谱中消失。
- The sky is necked by the two high cliffs. 两座高大山崖使天空变成了一条缝。
- high field region 高场区
- Plans for building two high buildings are beginning to take shape. 建造两幢高楼的计划渐具眉目。
- Play around two high school students to start Rex and Eva. 游戏围绕着两个高中生雷克斯和伊娃展开。
- A notch or two higher in quality. 质量上一个层次或再高两个层次
- On most of the days in a month, there are two high tides and two low tides. 在一个月大部份时间内,每日有两个涨潮和两个退潮。
- He then ordered another god to come downtake the two high mountains away. 玉帝被愚公坚韧不拔的精神所感动,便派大力神把两座大山背走了。
- A notchor two higher in quality. 质量上一个层次或再高两个层次。
- Intrinsic Error Growth in a Large-Domain Eta Regional Model. 大范围Eta区域模式固有误差的增加。
- The two high officials narrowly escaped being killed in the hot battle. 在激烈的战斗中,两个高级官员侥幸逃脱。
- Oil field region is a complex ecological system of industry and nature with the characteristic of opening, frangibility and complexity. 油田区域是工业和自然的复合生态系统,类型比较复杂,并具有开放性,脆弱性和复合型的特点。
- If the stock price increases, reduced turnover, unless Makers Menu, and it is an ill omen, early high field. 如果股价上涨,成交量反而减少,除非是庄家控盘,否则是一个不祥之兆,应及早高场。
- The trap concentration and tunnel conductance in aluminum anode oxidized films under high field. 高压铝阳极氧化膜的陷阱浓度与隧穿导电。
- The farmers turned the sterile land into high fields. 农民们把不毛之地变成了高产田。
- Objective Using high field MR system to find if the result of ~1H MR spectroscopy (MRS)could be influenced by contrast agent. 目的用高场 MR 仪研究对比剂是否会影响氢质子 MR 波谱(~1H-MRS)的结果。
- Methods:148 intracranial hemorrhages were examinated by echo plannar imaging echo field echo T_2*WI (EPI-FE) sequence of high field MR. 方法:收集有明确发病时间的脑内血肿病人共148例,使用EPI-FE-T2WI序列进行头部扫描。
- Only once in history has the same man held the two high offices of President and Chief Justice of the United States. 历史上只有一次,同一个人拥有美国的总统和最高法官这两个高级职务。
- Volume Axis Curve: With Fields, you can now define an axis field region around a NURBS curve by creating a volume axis curve. (体积轴向曲线:使用场,你可以创建一个体积轴向曲线去定义围绕着NURBS曲线的场的区域轴向。