- Two parameters, no default values. 两个参数,没有缺省值。
- These two parameters are changeable. 这两个参数是可变的。
- Unary operators have one parameter, and binary operators have two parameters. 一元运算符具有一个参数,二元运算符具有两个参数。
- The strategy used is to assume values for two parameters. 常用的作法是假设两个参数的数值。
- Provides two parameters to control aspects of best-fit mapping. 提供两个参数来控制最佳映射的各个方面。
- In the elastoplastic fracture analysis for pipelines steel X60, J-A2 two parameter approach was adopted to predict the failure pressures of pipelines with surface cracks. 摘要在对X60管钢弹塑性断裂分析中,采用J-A2:双参数方法来预测带表面裂纹管道的破坏压力。
- These two parameters are nowadays called the modulus of compressibility. 这两种参数现被称为压缩模量。
- The first two parameters are passed by value and the last parameter is passed by reference. 前两个参数是按值传递的,最后一个参数是按引用传递的。
- It defines one type parameter and uses it to construct the two parameters in the parameter list. 它定义一个类型参数,并用该类型参数在参数列表中构造两个参数。
- VolanoMark uses two parameters to control the size and number of chat rooms. VolanoMark使用两个参数来控制聊天室的大小和数目。
- The following example shows a Function procedure that defines two parameters. 下面的示例演示定义两个参数(parameter)的Function过程。
- The foundations sank (two feet) after the flood. 洪水退後地基下陷了(两英尺).
- If the first parameter is an integer, string or float, you need at least two parameters and max() returns the biggest of these values. 如果第一个参数是整数、字符串或浮点数,则至少需要两个参数而max()会返回这些值中最大的一个。
- Similarly, an overloaded binary operator would have one parameter when defined as a member and two parameters when defined as a nonmember function. 类似地,重载二元操作符定义为成员时有一个形参,定义为非成员函数时有两个形参。
- Two parameter optimization formulas of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) was introduced.Vertical vibration of bridge was controlled in the train-bridge coupling vibration by the two methods. 摘要介绍了两种多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)的参数优化公式,并采用两种方法对车桥耦合振动中桥梁的竖向振动进行了控制。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Assignment is binary, so the operator function has two parameters: The first parameter corresponds to the left-hand operand, and the second to the right-hand operand. 赋值是二元运算,所以该操作符函数有两个形参:第一个形参对应着左操作数,第二个形参对应右操作数。
- The two parameters provide basis for the theoretical analysis of the removal of turbidity using stub tube fillers. 两者为短管填料对浊度去除的理论分析提供了基础。
- There are therefore two parameters for each value: one for the SET clause and a different one for the WHERE clause. 因此,每个值都有两个参数:一个用于SET子句,另一个则用于WHERE子句。