- typical drought or flood year 典型旱涝年
- Jiangsu summer representative drought or flood year is classified by studying evolvement character of Jiangsu summer precipitation space-time distribution with EOF. 将江苏省夏季降水进行EOF分析 ,通过研究降水时空分布的演变特征 ,对江苏省夏季典型旱涝年进行分类。
- No matter wind or rain and snow encountered, regardless of drought or floods encountered, it is always so strong, unwavering. 不管遇到风沙还是雨雪,不管遇到干旱还是洪水,它总是那么坚强,从不动摇。
- By exposing plants or seeds to radiation, scientists can produce crop crops which are resistant to disease expects or insect pests, or which can provid thrive in drought or flood conditions. 通过将植物和种子暴露在放射线下,科学家可能生产出可以抵抗疾病或虫害,或在干旱和洪涝灾害条件下也可以生长良好的庄稼。
- Barring unforeseeable droughts or floods, both the wheat and cereals harvests in 2009 will set records. 排除不可预见的干旱或洪水,小麦和谷物的收成都将在2009年创下记录。
- build irrigation works so as to have no worries about drought or flood 兴修水利, 水旱无虞
- These include natural disasters that happen year after year, like seasonal floods, ocean storms, drought or landslides. 这些紧急情况包括年复一年发生的自然灾害,像是季节性的洪水、台风、干旱或是山崩。
- The distribution of drought and flood years takes on a decadal feature in year and seasons. 研究了东南亚地区旱涝年的分布规律和特征,指出旱涝年的分布是不均匀的,具有明显的年代际特征。
- This contract guarantees us against damage by fire or flood. 该合同保证我们不因为火灾或水灾而受到损失。
- These include natural disasters that happen year after year like seasonal floods,ocean storms,(draught)drought or( land slights)landslides. 这就包括年复一年的天然灾害像季节性洪水,海洋风暴,干旱和山崩。
- This contract guarantees you against damage by fire or flood. 这份合同保证你不会因火灾或水灾而受损失。
- Based on scanty abnormal history data of drought and flood, predication of the flood years were made . The result is consistent with the fact. 以全国旱涝灾害数据为研究对象 ;对全国水灾年份进行了预测分析 ;其预测结果与实际现象相符 .
- Symptoms depend partly on external conditions and may be masked by, for instance, drought or lush growth. 症状部分地随外界环境条件而变化,并为某些因子,如干旱或疯长所掩盖。
- This trend is here to stay -- and, unlike Australian drought or oil inflation, no one should want it to go away. 这种趋势还会持续,并且与澳大利亚的干旱或油价暴涨不同,没有人愿意这趋势会消失。
- Do not meditate: where there are wild animals, or danger like fire or flood water, where there is too much noise and where there are wicked persons. 不要在有野生动物出没的地方,或者在火或者有洪水等危险的地方,或者有很多噪音的地方,或者是有邪气的人所在的地方做冥想。
- The General Circulation Features in the Typical Flood Year in Fujian Province 福建省典型洪涝年的环流特征
- Further studies to locate molecules that promote one protein or the other could help crops resist drought or save otherwise wasted seeds that sprout prematurely. 进一步研究如能找出一些可促进这两种蛋白质之一的分子,将有助于作物对抗乾旱,或是拯救过早发芽而面临报废的种子。
- A specially irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown. 稻田一块专门灌溉的土地,水稻生长的地方
- Analysis of Circulation Features in Spring and Autumn of the Typical Drought and Waterlogging Year During EL Nino Event 厄尔尼诺事件山西春秋季典型旱涝年环流特征分析
- Anomaly of drought and flood years 旱涝异常