- Knowledge discovery method for typical process sequence based on clustering analysis 基于聚类分析法的典型工艺路线发现方法
- typical process sequence 典型工艺路线
- Machining of PCB(printed circuit board) is a typical process of two dimensional multi hole. 印刷电路板PCB的加工是二维多孔数控钻的典型。
- The typical process has always been to undress the resident in their Shower Rooms, place them onto a shower chair. 根据新标准,阿曼国内长途电话将与本地电话收取同样话费,国际长途综合布线费下调幅度最高达到18%25。
- Market requirements to fabrics increase the demand for mercerization in the process sequence of textile wet finishing. 市场对织物的要求促进了对纺织品湿整理工艺中丝光整理的需求。
- The typical process of chemical measurement has been illustrated, and the general steps of the preparation of the CRMs have been reviewed in this paper. 摘要本文对典型的化学测量过程进行了阐明,对有证参考物质的一般研制步骤进行了考察。
- The thesis majors in the development of CAD/CAM system for NC punch machine, and the template-based method of process sequence and code generation. 本文主要研究数控冲床CAD/CAM系统的设计与开发,并且对基于模板的加工排序和代码生成方法进行了重点研究。
- And owing to ray-tracing algorithm is a typical process of point sampling, serious aliasing problems appear in its rendering pictures. 同时,由于光线跟踪算法是一个典型的点采样过程,它所绘制的画面会出现严重的走样问题。
- After with depth and width search, the virtual pockets expressed with machining blocks and useable process sequence are achieved. 在对特征树模型进行深度遍历和宽度遍历之后,产生了使 用虚拟腔槽表达的具有可行的加工次序的制造模型。
- This article analyses the applications and expanded applications of SIP in IMS by using the typical process of SIP signalling flow in IMS. 文章就SIP在IMS中的基本应用、扩展应用做了具体的分析,并通过IMS中SIP信令典型流程阐述了SIP在IMS中的应用。
- The qualification of such a test is only valid for the process sequence carried out during the multiprocess procedure test. 对这样一个试验的鉴定仅对多种焊接工艺试验时所进行的过程顺序有效。
- This paper describes the design and layout of an Arcon plant and gives the details of typical process in high productivity situation, achievable with the twin -shell version. 文章介绍了电弧炉的设计及配置,并详述常用的、能用双炉壳方案实现的一种生产率高的工艺。
- Based on the assumption that congestion events consist of a renewal process sequence, the TCP AIMD congestion control is modeled as one-state stochastic hybrid automaton. 互联网中的拥塞控制是一个离散事件与连续变量相互作用的混杂动态过程.;假定拥塞事件为一个更新过程序列;采用含有一个状态的随机混杂自动机模型;描述了TCP拥塞控制中的AIMD过程
- The paper introduces the typical process flow and operating principle and main renovation contents of water dust scrubber for medium and small sized coal burning boilers. 着重介绍了中小型燃煤锅炉麻石水膜除尘器脱硫改造技术的典型工艺流程、工作原理、主要改造内容。
- The typical process has always been to undress the resident in their Shower Rooms, place them onto a shower chair.Best practice would suggest multiple layers of defense. 但由于电力播音主持培训环境的复杂,很多的电力机房都处于位置十分偏远、环境十分恶烈的地区,如果采用有线的方式进行监控其布线成本将十分高昂。
- The combined fine blanking and extrusion process of sheet metal which effectively integrates the sheet metal extrusion and the contour fine-blanking is a typical process of FFS. 板料精冲挤压在板料上有效结合挤压与轮廓精冲,是精冲复合成形技术的典型工艺之一。
- By summarizing the common methods of safety assessment, the author presents the typical process of mass transit system risk analysis, and discusses the contents of risk analysis. 摘要简要归纳了安全评估的常用方法;总结出了轨道交通系统风险分析的一般过程,并讨论了风险分析的内容。
- The paper proposes a bilevel-segmentation scheme according to the shape feature of the fungiform papilla, and states the whole processing sequence in detail. 文中针对舌菌状 乳头的形体特征提出了所谓的两值化分割方案,并详细叙述了这个方 案的实现过程。
- Taking the maximum lateness as objective function, this paper develops a polynomial time algorithms for the processing sequence of the n jobs given or not given. 文中以工件的最大迟后为目标函数,对工件加工顺序预先给定和可任意时的最优分批分别给出了多项式时间算法。