- typical representative grease 典型润滑脂
- The most typical representative of it is Gauguin, of course. 这方面最有代表性的例子当然是高更。
- Bahe Complex is the typical representative of Cantonese Opera. 总面积59.;1平方公里,常住人口103万。
- Baiyunbian Liquor is the typical representative of Maotai-Luzhou-flavor liquor. 摘要白云边酒是浓酱兼香型白酒的典型代表。
- Luzhou Laojiao is the typical representative of Luzhou-flavor liquor in China. 摘要泸州老窖酒是我国浓香型白酒的典型代表。
- Orthodox Eastern Church's typical representative's country is Russia. 东正教的典型代表国家是俄罗斯。
- Even Lloyd George, that typical representative of the British bourgeoisie, knows this. 这一点,就是英国的路易乔治,这个资产阶级的代表人物,也是知道的。
- Even Lloyd George,that typical representative of the British bourgeoisie,knows this. 这一点,就是英国的路易乔治,这个资产阶级的代表人物,也是知道的。
- It is the typical representative integrating color, aroma, taste and shape in traditional famous teas of Mengshan. 蒙顶甘露不仅外形秀美,内质也极佳,是蒙山传统名茶中色、香、味、形的统一典型。
- Machiavelli has always been considered as a typical representative of non-moralism,and criticized. 马基雅维利一直被视为"非道德主义"的典型代表,受到人们的谴责。
- Tusk is another epitome of Chinese ornamental design.It is the typical representative of Guangdong ivory craft skills. 仿牙雕是中国的另一国粹,为典型的广东牙雕风格。
- Goose and Duck Grange is a typical representative of touring agriculture in the suburban area of Beijing. 鹅和鸭农庄是京郊颇具特色的观光农业的代表。
- "Beat Generation" in the literature, J.D.Salinger is one of the most typical representative of the. 在“垮掉的一代”文学中,J.D.塞林格是最典型的代表之一。
- Aristotle is the most typical representative of the Ancient Greek Civilization, father of western ethics. 亚里斯多德是古希腊文明最高的最典型的代表,西方伦理学之父。
- As the father of English essays, Bacon is knowledgeable,cosmopolite, innovative and a most typical representative of theRenaissance period. 培根知识渊博、见识非凡、学术创新,且行文深受拉丁文影响,译其书,非易事也。
- Take the Murong Hsien-Pias representative of Hsien-Pi Nationality, is typical representative who this time nationality fuses. 以慕容鲜卑为代表的鲜卑族,是这一时期民族融合的典型代表。
- Taibai Liquor,as one of the typical representative of Feng-type liquor,is national quality liquor and Chinese famous brand product. 凤型白酒典型代表之一的太白酒,是国家优质酒和中国驰名商标产品,具有醇香幽雅、甘润爽洌、香味谐调、尾净悠长的典型风格。
- In our country, ctrip has became a parachutist of touirism e-business and typical representative of the tourism network corporations. 在我国,携程旅行服务公司(以下简称携程)兴起更是成为旅游电子商务的一支“空降兵”,成为网络旅游企业的典型代表。
- As a typical representative of cooperative finance, Japan's peasants associate finance is relatively successful agricultural financial service system. 摘要日本农协金融作为合作金融的典型代表,是比较成功的农村金融服务体系。
- Nerve growth factor is the typical representative of neurotrophic factor family,which has conspicuous effect on nervous system. 神经生长因子(NGF)是神经营养因子家族的典型代表,为一种碱性蛋白,是神经系统中最重要的生物活性分子之一,有明显的中枢效应。