- After I make computer for a long time, voice can ache, and ulcer of oral cavity chairman, very ache. The fiercest still rotted. Is this how to return a responsibility? 我打很长时间电脑后,嗓子会疼,而且口腔会长溃疡,很疼。最厉害一次还烂了。这是怎么回事?
- Of oral cavity ulcer how to treat the effect best? 口腔溃疡的怎样治疗效果最好?
- Curative Effect of Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber Mixture on the Ulcer of Oral Cavity After Chemotherapies 麦冬合剂治疗化疗后口腔溃疡效果观察
- Can cyst of oral cavity mucous membrane worsen? 口腔粘膜囊肿会不会恶化?
- Who has transmissibility the remedial method of ulcer of chronic oral cavity? 谁有遗传性慢性口腔溃疡的治疗方法?
- How to turn over recrudesce to make ulcer of sexual oral cavity treat? 反复发作性口腔溃疡如何治疗?
- How prevent and to how prevent and treat ulcer of recrudescent sex oral cavity? 怎么预防和治疗复发性口腔溃疡?
- Abstract:Ask: Consult expert of oral cavity mucous membrane? 正文:问:请求指教嘴腔粘膜学者?
- ulcer of oral cavity 口疳
- Genuflect is begged! Treat the method of oral cavity ulcer! Cannot say a word quickly! 跪求!治疗口腔溃疡的方法!都快说不了话了!
- Spot of oral cavity mucous membrane is not shown mostly, can see oral cavity mucous membrane only coarse, hyperaemia. 口腔粘膜斑大都不显,可仅见口腔粘膜粗糙、充血。
- Methods Examine and analyse the hygienic con dition of oral cavity and the content s of serum calcium and phosphorus to 102elderly. 方法对102名老年人进行口腔检查和血清钙磷含量的测定,并进行临床分析。
- Objective:To investigate the surgery of partial resection of processus styloideus preserved tonsil through inside of oral cavity. 目的:探讨口内径路保留扁桃体茎突截短术的手术方法。
- As for the most common cancer site, Amis had a equal incidence of oral cavity cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer other aborigines developed nasopharygneal cancer most frequently. 头颈癌好发部位方面,阿美族的口腔癌与下咽癌病人人数相当,其他族群则是罹患鼻咽癌为主,不同于汉族病人以口腔癌最常见。
- Oral cavity jaw is facial phlegmon is to point to the floorboard of inflammation of sex of fester of organization of week of oral cavity, jaw and neck upside. 口腔颌面部蜂窝织炎是指口腔、颌周组织及颈上部化脓性炎症的总称。
- The overall male/female ratio ill aborigines was significantly lower than Halls (2.5 vs. 8.0), especially ill the groups of oral cavity cancer and laryngeal cancer. 男女比于汉族为8.;0,原住民2
- Objective To screen the prescription of low molecular chitosan oral pellicle,and prepare a new pharmaceutics for the treatment of oral cavity ulceration. 目的筛选低分子壳聚糖口腔膜剂的处方,研制治疗口腔溃疡的新型制剂。
- From the purulent fluid of eduction of aperture of fistula of oral cavity mucous membrane, enter enteron ceaselessly, can cause symptom of apparent gastric bowel path. 从口腔粘膜瘘孔排出的脓液,不断进入消化道,可引起明显的胃肠道症状。
- Know how to treat oral cavity ulcer? 知道怎么治疗口腔溃疡吗?
- Every four weeks, reactivation of coil spring is performed and ulceration of oral mucosa is recorded. 每隔四周检查及活化弹簧一次,并纪录口腔组织有无溃疡现象。