- A New High Speed Sample and Hold Circuit 一种新型高速采样保持电路
- Optoelectronic pulse techniques is the last measurement method for calibrating the risetime of a high speed sampling oscilloscope. 摘要光电脉冲法是解决高速取样示波器上升时间校准问题的最新技术。
- This paper describes the design and development of a high throughput data collecting system using a PC, a high speed sampling A/D converter and dual FIFO RAM buffers. 描述了一个具有高吞吐量的实时数据采集系统设计和实现方案,本系统由1台PC机、1台89C51单片机、1个高速采样A/D转换器和双端口FIFO缓冲器构成。
- ultra - high speed sample 超高速采样
- The receiver system adopting double - CPU of 89C52 and DSP has made such hopes as low power consumption, low disturbance, high speed sampling and high data managing capability realized in rather good degree. 该系统采用89C52与DSP双CPU系统, 较好地解决了低功耗、低干扰、高速采样和较强的数据处理能力的问题。
- This paper offers a method for realization of high speed sampling and massscale buffer storage result in high speed sampling rate which is coordinated by low speed apparatus,which will not be restricted by the velocity and address space of MCU. 本文提出了一种高速采样与海量缓存的实现方法,该方法以低速器件的协调工作获得高速的采样率,并可以不受M CU速度与寻址空间的制约。
- Ultra high speed retrieve for those special techniques and tactics. 超高速检索为那些特殊的技术和战术。
- The train flashed by at high speed. 火车疾驶而过。
- The train is going at a high speed. 火车正在高速行进。
- We rounded the corner at high speed. 我们以高速度绕过拐角。
- This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。
- It's unlimited to drive cars at high speed in country. 在乡村开快车没有限制。
- The loud, roaring noise of an engine operating at high speed. 呜呜声高速运转的机器的高且喧闹的噪音
- Special ultra fine sub micron grade for high speed milling especially for mould making. 特别适合高速铣削的晶粒度为超细的牌号,特别适合模具制造。
- The train was rolling at high speed. 火车在高速行驶。
- We must build our country at high speed. 我们必须高速度地建设国家。
- It's dangerous to turn a corner at high speed. 高速转弯很危险。
- Sent out with or moving at high speed. 快递的快速寄出的或移动的
- Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。
- We rounded the comer at high speed. 我们高速绕过拐角。