- unappropriated budget surplus [经] 未支配盈余
- A budget surplus may be used to redeem state debt. 预算盈余可用于偿还国债。
- We can do all that,and still expect to achieve a budget surplus for the year. 我们有能力完成上述所有目标,且能在本年度达致财政预算盈馀。
- We can do all that, and still expect to achieve a budget surplus for the year. 我们有能力完成上述所有目标,且能在本年度达致财政预算盈馀。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month, our budget surplus is an astounding 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月止的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month, our budget surplus is an astounding level of 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- And in the year just closed,March 31,1998,our budget surplus was a full 5.8% of GDP. 在刚过去的财政年度,截至一九九八年三月三十一日为止,我们的财政预算盈馀足有本地生产总值的百分之五点八。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month,our budget surplus is an astounding 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月止的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- For the current fiscal year ending this month,our budget surplus is an astounding level of 5.8% of our GDP. 截至一九九八年三月的本财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25的异常高水平。
- For the past fiscal year which ended March 31,our budget surplus was at an astounding level of 5.8% of GDP. 在截至一九九八年三月三十一日为止的上一个财政年度,我们的财政盈馀达到本地生产总值的5.;8%25,成绩斐然。
- We can do all that,and still expect to achieve a balanced budget surplus for the year. 我们预期在完成所有这些目标之馀,本年度仍有财政预算盈馀。
- The HKSAR Government's financial management continues to be prudent - our budget surplus for this year will exceed two per cent of our GDP. 香港特别行政区政府继续审慎理财,本年度的预算盈馀将超逾本地生产总值百分之二。
- Whenever we have achieved a budget surplus for a financial year, the surplus amount will be saved as fiscal reserves. 某一财政年度财政预算有盈馀时,盈馀将会拨作财政储备。
- And in the year just closed, March 31, 1998, our budget surplus was a full 5.8% of GDP. 在刚过去的财政年度,截至一九九八年三月三十一日为止,我们的财政预算盈馀足有本地生产总值的百分之五点八。
- We can do all that, and still expect to achieve a balanced budget surplus for the year. 我们预期在完成所有这些目标之馀,本年度仍有财政预算盈馀。
- For the past fiscal year which ended March 31, our budget surplus was at an astounding level of 5.8% of GDP. 在截至一九九八年三月三十一日为止的上一个财政年度,我们的财政盈馀达到本地生产总值的5.;8%25,成绩斐然。
- But the budget surplus should at least reduce the need for drastic cut backs, Mr Brecher says. 但是布雷彻先生表示,预算盈余应该至少减少这种对大幅削减的需求。
- For the current fiscal year ending March 31,1998,which was about a month ago,our budget surplus was an astounding level of 5.8% of GDP. 截至一九九八年三月三十一日的财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25,令人惊讶。
- For the past fiscal year which ended March 31,about three months ago,which was about three months ago,our budget surplus was at an astounding level of 5.8 per cent of GDP. 截至一九九八年三月三十一日的财政年度,我们的财政盈馀更达本地生产总值5.;8%25,令人惊讶。
- The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America's retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched-up mess. 他继任时的预算盈余已经变成了赤字,美国的退休保险体系中的漏洞比以往更为庞大,七拼八凑起来的税收系统更是危如累卵。