- The black ox has trod on sb.'s foot. 灾祸临头。
- The rabbit' s foot was caught in a snare. 套索把兔子的脚套住了.
- be doormat(s) under someone's feet 忍气吞声地给人家踩在脚底下的人,扮演逆来顺受的角色
- Find the length of sb. 's foot v. 了解某人的弱点以控制他。
- He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's occupation. 他从巴黎回来,发现他的办公室被别人占了。
- He heard the clip-clop of horse’s feet and the rumble of wagon wheels. 他听到了马蹄的哒哒声和马车车轮的辘辘声。
- If you want to create another account under someone else, you have to completely give up your downline to do so. 如果你想要在某人的底下在设立一个帐号,你必须要放弃原本拥有的下线组织。
- have one's feet under someone's mahogany 在某人家吃饭,受某人款待
- put one's feet under someone's mahogany 在某人家吃饭,受某人款待
- A battered rucksacklay at the youth’s feet, and he held a red-sealed letter with a deathlike grip. 脚边躺着只扁扁的帆布背包,那僵硬的手上紧拽着一封红色封印的介绍信。
- You feel like your life is under someone's control, and it's unfair to you. All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim. 你觉得自己的生活被别人控制了,命运对你不公平。最后你会变成一个易怒的、愤世嫉俗的,或者是一个可怜兮兮的、哭哭啼啼的受害者。
- I thought Rodney’s feet initially had too much of a stocking feel, like the shoes that Robin Hood would wear. 起初,我认为罗德尼的双脚有太多的长筒袜的感觉,就像罗宾汉穿的鞋子一样。
- Bill sat at his mentor"s feet for nearly three years, buthegradually became disillusioned and center the university. 比尔为他导师的魅力折服有三年的时间,但渐渐地他的梦想破灭、离开了大学。
- In level hole drilling,by the using of numerical valule analysis method,the mathematics model of drill hole depth and dip angle relation under someone stratum is set up. 在水平孔钻进中,利用数值分析方法,建立在某种地层下按某种钻具组合和钻进参数钻进时,孔深和倾角关系的数学模型。
- Cindy’s feet, elbows, and hands were badly scraped from crawling across the concrete.Kyla, however, was fine. 辛迪因为在水泥地面爬行,双脚、肘部和双手都被严重擦伤,凯拉却安然无恙。
- stretch one's feet under someone's mahogany 在某人家吃饭,受某人款待
- After caressing and talking to Jacky, the old hobo uttered a brief command. Immediately, Jacky controlled his enthusiasm and lay down obediently at the old man s feet. 在和杰基一番亲热与交谈后,老流浪汉发出一声简短的命令。杰基立刻控制住自己的热情,顺从地卧倒在老人的脚旁。
- cut the ground from under someone's feet 拆台
- Then, looking down, he saw Heather' s foot pinned beneath the broken steering column. What do I do now! he thought. 他已经将她拉出一半了。再往下一看,他发现希瑟的脚还卡在折断了的方向盘下的柱子下面。我该怎么办呢?他想。
- cut the grass from under someone's feet 拆某人的台