- As a state party to the BWC,China has fully and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations under the convention. 作为禁止生物武器公约缔约国,中国认真、全面地履行了自己所承担的义务。
- Under the Convention of Chuenpi (Chuanbi) signed on January 20,1841,Hong Kong Island was ceded to Britain. 一八四一年一月二十日,双方签订《穿鼻草约》,中国割让香港给英国。
- China acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1984,and has fully and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations under the Convention. 中国于1984年加入《禁止生物武器公约》,认真、全面履行了自己所承担的义务。
- WIPO cooperates with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and UNCTAD on implementing the technology transfer provisions under the CBD. WIPO与《生物多样性公约》(CBD)和联合国贸发会议合作执行《生物多样性公约》关于技术转让的规定。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- WIPO has contributed to a joint study with the CBD Secretariat and UNCTAD concerning technology transfer under the Convention on Biological Diversity. WIPO与《生物多样性公约》秘书处和联合国贸发会议联合编写了关于《生物多样性公约》技术转让问题的研究报告。
- China acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1984, and has fully and conscientiously fulfilled its obligations under the Convention. 中国于1984年加入《禁止生物武器公约》,认真、全面履行了自己所承担的义务。
- The baby's legs flailed under the quilt. 小孩的两条小腿在被子下面乱动。
- In addition, as a signatory to the UN Convention on Anti-Corruption, a government appointed committee is making preparations to fulfill obligations under the Convention. 尼泊尔亦是联合国反贪污公约的签署国;因此,政府成立了一个委员会,为履行公约的责任作相应准备。
- Let us remark in passing, that the burial of Mother Crucifixion under the altar of the convent is a perfectly venial offence in our sight. 我们附带说一句,把受难嬷嬷埋葬在修院祭台下这件事,在我们看来完全是无足轻重的。
- Gomez.You will assume the role of Fatima as she embarks on a quest to rescue Father Agaton from the evil lurking under the convent grounds. 游戏讲述了一个女孩拯救来自在女修道会理由之下潜藏的邪恶父亲的故事.
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子经这胖人一坐便压弯了。
- The thesis first studies the rules under the Convention and discusses potential conflicts between the Convention and the GATS in terms of audiovisual services. 首先,本文就文化多样性公约下的重要规定进行研析,并以视听服务为论述核心,探讨公约与GATS间的可能冲突。
- A very nice set of glasses came under the hammer yesterday. 昨天拍卖了一套很精致的玻璃杯。
- "Applicable national law" means the national law of the courthaving jurisdiction under the Convention including any rules of suchnational law relating to conflict of laws . “所适用的国内法”,是指根据本公约具有管辖权的法院所在国的法律,包括该国内法中有关法律冲突的任何规则。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane. 大自然的景色展现在快速飞行的飞机之下。
- The remark make me want to climb under the pew. 这句话使我真想藏在座位下面去。
- The swallows nested under the eaves. 燕子在屋檐下筑巢。
- We have found oil under the North Sea. 我们在北海发现了石油。