- In Germany the petty-bourgeois class,a relic of the sixteenth century,and since then constantly cropping up again under various forms,is the real social basis of the existing state of things. 在德国,16世纪遗留下来的、从那时起经常以不同形式重新出现的小资产阶级,是现存制度的真实的社会基础。
- In Germany the petty-bourgeois class, a relic of the sixteenth century, and since then constantly cropping up again under various forms, is the real social basis of the existing state of things. 在德国,16世纪遗留下来的、从那时起经常以不同形式重新出现的小资产阶级,是现存制度的真实的社会基
- Aspirin in various form is sold under a wide range of trade name. 阿司匹林以各种商标出售,五花八门、各式各样。
- Aspirin in various forms is sold under a wide range of trade names. 阿司匹林以各种商标出售,五花八门、 各式各样。
- Comparison of the Practice Effects under Various Forms of Electronic Engineering Specialities 多种形式下电子类专业实习效果的比较
- The swindler worked under various aliases. 诈骗犯用不同的化名行骗
- Imitate and create plays under various situations. 在各种特设情境下,模仿、创作英语小品。
- Various forms of trade protectionism are rising. 形形色色的贸易保护主义有所抬头。
- Supply general service for users at various forms. 以形式多样的产品为用户提供全方位的服务。
- It stores information in various forms. 它以各种方式储存信息。
- CRRT can also correct various forms of acidosis. CRRT也可以纠正不同类型的酸中毒。
- The symptoms take various forms. 症状有多种类型。
- Amend the age grading requirements under various sections. 根据以上不同的章节修改年龄组。
- under various forms 用种种形式
- Firms commonly resort to various forms of nonprice competition. 厂商经常采取各种形式的非价格竞争。
- Sodium hydroxide in various forms is the most widely used. 各种形式的氢氧化钠是最广泛使用的。
- Some computer processors also provide hardware-based DEP under various names. 某些计算机处理器在各种名称下也提供基于硬件的DEP。
- The others are formed from various forms of cotton. 其它都是各种形式的棉织物做的。
- A precious gem, especially a diamond, finely cut in any of various forms with numerous facets. 宝石一种精细地切割成多个面的各种形式的宝石,尤指钻石
- A rolling mill is used to form the material into various form such as round rod, square or rectangular bar. 人们使用轧机把材料加工成各种形状,如圆棒材、方棒材和矩形棒材。