- He stayed away under the pretext of ill health. 他以身体不佳为借口而避开了。
- He cheated me under the pretext of friendship. 他借口友谊欺骗了我。
- John left early under the pretext of illness. 今天约翰以病为藉口,提早离开了。
- He didn't attend the meeting under the pretext of sickness. 他以病为借口,没参加会议。
- He didn't attend that meeting under the pretext of sickness. 他以生病为借口,没参加那个会议。
- You do more, under the pretext of unmasking yourself, you calumniate yourself. 尤其是,借口说您要暴露自己,您其实是在诽谤自己,这真可怕。”
- The US Government persecuted him under the pretext of various "unwarranted'' charges. 美国政府以种种“莫须有”的罪名对他进行迫害。
- He came to see me under the pretext of asking my advice when he really wanted to borrow money. 他以请我指教为藉口前来看我,其实是想借钱。
- Under the pretext of the existence of WMDs, this great tragedy came to engulf both the peoples of the occupied and the occupying country. 这场因为大杀伤力武器的存在而发动的战争,为被侵略国家和发动战争国家的人民都带来了灾难性的影响。
- Under the pretext of travelling on business, (some cadres) go holidaying and waste public money. 以出差为名, 游山玩水, 给国家造成浪费。
- Wcrypt2.dcu is CryptAPI the C language translation for the package under the pretext of documents in Delphi. Wcrypt2.;dcu是CryptAPI C语言翻译包的借口下在Delphi中的文件。
- Cattle as a result of favoritism and bribery Gao, under the pretext of no evidence, inadmissible. 牛成因受贿赂偏袒高家,借口没有实证,不予受理。
- No consignor or consignee or his agent may refuse to provide relevant materials to the customs house under the pretext of business secret. 收发货人或者其代理人不得以商业秘密为理由拒绝向海关提供有关资料。
- "He said, Some local governments, under the pretext of "business city" concept, in fact, engaged in the "Isam fell on the ground leather" activities. 政府一“经营”,城市建设就不会按照市场方式进行,而政府本身也违背了其应有的服务型定位。
- That done, Cosette, under the pretext of an obstinate sick headache, had bade Jean Valjean good night and had shut herself up in her chamber. 这样做过以后,珂赛特便借口头痛得难受,向冉阿让道了晚安,缩到她卧房里去了。
- You are witnessing daily that under the pretext of “the war on terror,” civil liberties in the United States are being increasingly curtailed. 你们每天都可以看到在反恐战争的旗号下,在美国,公民的自由不断的被剥夺。
- The dukes in the times of the Three Kingdoms all stove for their own benefits under the pretext of ridding the emperor of "evil" ministers. 三国时期的诸侯们都打着清君侧的旗号为已谋利。
- I must point out that it's ridiculous to violate Chinese people's fundamental cultural rights under the pretext of human rights. 我要指出,打着人权的旗号侵犯中国人民的基本文化权利,这本身就是荒谬的。
- The Chinese government opposes creating confrontations in religion or interfering in the internal affairs of another country under the pretext of religion. 中国政府反对在宗教领域搞对抗,反对利用宗教干涉别国内政。
- Maximilian leaped at one bound into his crop of lucerne, which he began to pull up in the most ruthless way, under the pretext of being occupied in weeding it. 马西米兰一下子跳进他的苜蓿花地里,开始用最无情的态度铲起野草来。