- She worked as an undercover agent for the police. 她为警察当密探。
- This report is from an undercover agent and it's authentic. 这是一个卧底特工的报告,很可靠。
- The undercover agent immediately sourced the police when he found out the gangs' meeting place. 卧底的特工发现黑帮的见面地点后立刻通知了警方。
- An undercover agent working in Vietnam has flushed Finnegan from hiding and he is a criminal force beyond any Marine Corps expected. 柬埔寨卧底探员阿关奉命协助唐明,但暗杀任务失败,唐明被当地警察拘捕,并牵扯出连串阴谋。
- Orwell is, in a sense, an undercover agent, an anthropologist who has gone native to better observe his subjects in their natural habitat. 某种意义上,奥威尔是一个隐姓埋名的打探者,是一个融入当地环境并更好更自然地观察所研究对象行为的人类学家。
- CIA Agent Jonathan Gold( Steven Seagal) is working as an undercover agent to determine some arms dealers, who want to steal a nuclear bomb to an eastern European terrorist group. 中情局特工乔纳森·(蒂文·格尔)成便衣打入一伙军火贩子,这伙贩子想要为东欧恐怖组织偷一枚核弹。
- The normal law enforcement tactics (undercover agents, informants, surveillance) relative to the primary violation cannot reach the target. 用于普通犯罪的一般手段(比如密探、线人、监视)根本无法深入到.
- The normal law enforcement tactics (undercover agents, informants, surveillance) relative to the primary violation cannot reach the target. 用于普通犯罪的一般手段(比如密探、线人、监视)根本无法深入到.
- It has also promised a massive security presence at the games, which may include undercover agents dressed as volunteers. 政府还承诺奥运期间会有大规模现场保安人员,其中可能包括乔装为志愿者的秘密特工。
- My undercover agents will not have tattoos identifying them as members of my organization, nor will they be required to wear military boots or adhere to any other dress codes. 所有我的卧底都不会有用来辨识他们身分的刺青;也不用穿著军靴或是遵守某种固定的穿著;佩带装饰品的规定.
- Indeed, it tends to involve questionable methods, such as systematic spying and snooping, secret surveillance, the use of undercover agents, enticement and entrapment. 甚至,执行这种法律容易涉及值得怀疑的各种法律手段,譬如,有针对性的侦查和窃听、秘密监视、密探布防、诱捕等等。
- In response, KMTxian dang bu panic-stricken, sent undercover agents and Colts search for Communist Party members everywhere, some party members were arrested, some were killed. 对此,国民党县党部恐慌万状,派出便衣特务和马队四处搜捕共产党员,一些党员被捕,有的被杀害。
- Mexico's Congress approved a bill to rationalise police powers, allowing undercover agents and wiretap evidence but also requiring officers to register all arrests more quickly. 墨西哥通过了一项旨在促进警察权力合理化使用的议案,该议案允许使用秘密特工及窃听证据,但同时要求警察在执行逮捕任务时更加迅速。
- Government reports suggest that airline security procedures are remarkably ineffective, routinely failing to catch explosive materials carried by undercover agents. 政府报告现实,航空安全程序有失实用,例行公事的检查根本无法查获(政府安排用以测试的)探员所携带的爆炸物。
- At the request of the US Customs Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the ICAC helped in the collection of criminal evidence through the deployment of undercover agents. 廉署应美国海关部门及联邦调查局的要求,曾派遣底人员协助蒐集罪证。
- undercover agents, activities,organizations 密探﹑ 秘密活动﹑ 进行秘密活动的组织
- undercover agents,activities,organizations 密探、秘密活动、进行秘密活动的组织
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
- The tour is arranged by our local travel agent. 这个旅游团是由我们的本地旅游代理商组织安排的。
- They slipped the undercover cop a Mickey Finn. 他们偷偷在那秘密警察的酒中搀了迷药。