- She had an undergraduate degree in psychology. 她有心理学的学士学位。
- I hate the prodigal administration. 我痛恨铺张浪费的行政机关。
- He is now studying business administration. 他现在在学习企业管理。
- She gained a diploma in Business Administration. 她取得了工商管理的学位证书。
- undergraduate administration 学生管理方式
- A few years ago, sociology is the most popular subject for undergraduate. 几年之前,社会学是大学本科生最欢迎的课程。
- She read history as an undergraduate. 她在大学攻读历史
- The company developed rapidly under his administration. 在他的管理下,公司发展得很快。
- I am in my last year of undergraduate school. 这是我大学的最后一年。
- She has been looking after the, day-to-day administration. 她一直在照管日常的行政工作。
- He says he will take step to tighten up the administration. 他说他将采取措施加强行政管理。
- Bachelor degree A first or undergraduate degree. 第一个或是大学学位。
- He is a Cambridge undergraduate. 他是剑桥大学本科生。
- He said he would take steps to tighten up the administration. 他说他将采取措施加强行政管理。
- A first or undergraduate degree. 第一个或是大学学位。
- The administration built several new housing projects. 行政部门资助了好几幢新楼的建筑项目
- What is education of undergraduate thought ethics? 大学生思想道德教育是什么?
- The last Administration did a lot to curb inflation. 上届政府做了大量工作以抑制通货膨胀。
- Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate? 你是本科还是硕士?
- Chimpanzee is cleverer than the undergraduate! ? 黑猩猩比大学生聪明!?