- Master pages provide the underlying structure for your publication. 母版页用于为出版物提供基本结构。
- The underlying structure of this building is no doubt very firm. 这座楼的底层结构无疑是牢固的。
- Often, this link to reality does not extend to the underlying structure. 通常,这种与真实性的联系并不会延展到基本结构。
- The compiler uses each data type keyword as an alias for the underlying structure or class. 编译器将每种数据类型关键字用作基础结构或基础类的别名。
- Provides the underlying structure of the.NET Framework security system, including base classes for permissions. 提供.;NET Framework安全系统的基础结构;包括权限的基类。
- This schema shows the underlying structure of the tree, but is not very useful otherwise. 此架构显示了树的基础结构,但在其他方面不是很有用。
- Social diversity is thus explicable in terms of an underlying structure consisting largely of economic factors. 因此,如果依据主要由经济因素组成的基础结构,则社会的多样性是可以解释的。
- To include additional information on the underlying structure of the database, select the Include primary key and index information check box. 要包括关于数据库的基础结构的其他信息,请选择“包括关键字和索引信息”复选框。
- Design view shows you the underlying structure of the report, and provides a few more design tools and capabilities than Layout view. 设计视图显示了报表的基础结构,并提供了比布局视图更多的设计工具和功能。
- Provides the underlying structure of the common language runtime security system, including base classes for permissions. 它提供公共语言运行库安全性系统的基础结构,其中包括权限的基类。
- Judging by the underlying structure, the car appears as if it will have proportions drawn directly from its 1950s forebear. 从基本结构,汽车似乎是如果将比例直接摘自其1950年的祖先。
- This Chardonnay is built to age-after a couple of years of proper cellaring, its many layers of underlying structure will begin to emerge. 该款霞多丽葡萄酒适于窖藏,潜在的韵味经成年之后将得到最佳地发挥。
- In the case of an XML element, the menu item displays the element name, which shows the underlying structure of the menu tree but is not very useful otherwise. 对于XML元素,菜单项显示其元素名称,这样可显示菜单树的基础结构,但除此之外并无用处。
- In the case of an XML element, the menu item displays the element name, which shows the underlying structure of the menu, but is not very useful otherwise. 对于XML元素,菜单项显示元素名称,此名称显示菜单的基础结构,但在其他方面不是很有用。
- In the case of an XML element, the menu item displays the element name, which shows the underlying structure of the tree, but is not very useful otherwise. 对于XML元素,菜单项显示其元素名称,这样可显示树的基础结构,但除此之外并无用处。
- Covers the namespaces that provide the underlying structure of the.NET Framework security system and that implement ASP.NET security in Web applications. 介绍提供.;NET Framework安全系统的基础结构;并在Web应用程序中实现ASP
- Either of the two rounded prominences on the human torso that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures. 半边屁股,臀部人的躯体上位于臀部的由臀肌和下层组织构成的两个圆形突起的任何一个
- Furthermore, the 24 appositive noun clauses are found to derive from three different underlying structures. 另外,依变换律语法来检视,本研究发现这二十四个表面上并无差异的同位子句实际上有三种不同来源。
- Scleroderma(or progressive systemic sclerosis):Chronic disease that hardens the skin and fixes it to underlying structures. 硬皮病 (亦称进行性全身硬化症):一种使皮肤变硬并固着于皮下结构的慢性皮肤
- Blanc uses a kind of techno-trellis as the underlying structure: A plastic-coated aluminum frame is fastened to the wall and covered with synthetic felt into which plant roots can burrow. 白朗使用了一种类似泰可诺框架的技术作为底层结构:塑料涂层的铝质框架固定在墙上,上面覆盖了合成毛毡,植物的根部在毛毡里钻洞打眼。