- Through toleration we learn to understand people. 我们经由包容学习了解人们。
- The children are learning to understand people of different faiths. 孩子们在学会理解不同宗教信仰的人。
- Understand people, care people, cherish people and trust people. 理解人,关心人,爱护人,信任人。
- I like honest and understanding people,truthful and a man of vision,truth and hardworking. 废黜一样诚实和理解人,真实,一个人的视野,真理和勤劳。
- We understand people's worries about the effects on their jobs and livelihoods of a global slowdown. 人们担心全球的局势对他们的就业和生活带来负面影响,这是可以理解的。
- They are both priceless and valuable--a guidebook that will teach you how to love a woman,how to understand people,and how to respect and maintain your integrity. 它们既是无价的又是珍贵的--它们是一部人生指南,从中你能学到如何去爱一个女人,如何去理解他人,如何做到自尊自重,如何做一个正直诚实的人。
- Dream analysis has also sensitized me to the value of using dreams as bridges to more fully understanding people’s fears, preoccupations and goals. 而进行梦的解析也使我更充分地认识到,通过睡梦来更充分地理解人们的恐惧,偏见和目标是很重要的。
- I understand people naturally feel good upon seeing a wholesome lady who dresses gorgeously. 人们看到一个穿着华丽干净的女士都会感觉很好.;这很自然
- Our writers and artists have their literary and art work to do,but their primary task is to understand people and know them well. 我们的文艺工作者需要做自己的文艺工作,但是这个了解人熟悉人的工作却是第一位的工作。
- We should practice understanding people who have done us minor wrongs, and think of the problems as having been caused by the situations, not the people. 我们应该尝试去理解那些曾对自己不公平的人,试想这些问题是由环境问题造成的,而非人为因素。
- Our writers and artists have their literary and art work to do, but their primary task is to understand people and know them well. 我们的文艺工作者需要做自己的文艺工作,但是这个了解人熟悉人的工作却是第一位的工作。
- Understand people understand abandon, love the people understand the sacrifices that the people know how detached happiness! 明白的人懂的放弃,真情的人懂的牺牲,幸福的人懂得超脱!
- Get off, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the people around chatting, to understand people's dissatisfaction with public transport and demand. 下车后,巴达维与周围的民众聊天,了解人们对公共交通的不满及需求。
- You're back on your usual lovely even keel starting sometime Thursday through Saturday, and the way you understand people and solve problems makes for a remarkable combination. 从周四到周六,你将做回你自己,但有时会反复,你可以完美结合理解他人和解决问题的方式。
- Understanding people is an art. 理解别人是一种艺术。
- Argonians are quite possibly the least understood people of all the various men and mer of Tamriel. 亚龙人可能是泰姆瑞尔当地众多种族中最难沟通的一族。
- Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. 所以你们要谨守遵行、这就是你们在万民眼前的智慧、聪明.他们听见这一切律例、必说、这大国的人真是有智慧、有聪明。
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- He was dismayed at his lack of understanding. 他对自已的无知感到沮丧。
- His explain understands people to the place of productivity is learned and adduce each its main factor about intellectual worker. 他阐明了人们关于知识工作者生产率之所获知并提出它的各项主要因素。