- Analyses of Undular Hydraulic Jump and Undular Bore 波状水跃和波状涌潮的分析
- undular hydraulic jump 波形水跃
- The hydraulic jump can be distinguished using the Froude number. 进一步研究表明,河槽束狭加大涨潮流速,河床淤浅则减缓潮波传速。
- A new type of stilling basin with step-down floor for enhancing the energy dissipation of hydraulic jump in Xiangiaba Project is studied in model test. 本文以向家坝高水头大单宽流量水电站为例,对旨在降低消力池临底水力学指标的跌坎型底流消力池进行了系列水工模型试验,研究了不同跌坎高度的消力池水力学特性。
- Some common problems are studied which rose in design of hydraulic jump dissipaters for big unit width flux and small Froude number flow. 阐述在设计大单宽流量低佛氏数水跃消能工所遇到的问题,以及此类型泄水建筑物水跃消能的特点和所要解决的问题。
- Notice the hydraulic jump that forms, and see how it changes as you vary the jet velocity, flux, and dish depth (horizontal dish). 注意水跃的形成,当你改变喷射的速度,流量以及盘的深度(水平的盘)的时候,看看它是怎麽变化的。
- When the angle of gate opening unchanged, the vortex after the gate increased and there were evident hydraulic jump as the water level of the downriver increased. 在相同闸门开启角度下,随着下游水位的升高,门后形成的旋涡逐渐增大,产生明显的水跃。
- In this paper,the joint energy dissipation mechanism of stilling basin and dental kaffle pier is analysed according to additional momentum hydraulic jump theory. 用“附加动量”水跃理论分析齿墩与消力池联合应用的消能机理,用跃后水深、水跃长度或单宽水跃容积减少的百分数,估计新增消能设施的经济效益。
- Uning the experimental data,the dec r eased percentages of conjugate depth,length of hydraulic jump or unit width hydr a ulic jump volume with the increased dissipated energy facilities are calculated. 并通过模型试验验证了消能的理论分析,计算了新增设施的消能量、跃后水深、水跃长度或单宽水跃容积减少的百分数。
- As a depression ISW propagated over the variable length of the plateau, another important factor affecting the intensity of the internal hydraulic jump was the water volume drawn from the plateau. 中文摘要许多海洋学者由现场内波观测的结果证实,下沈型内波在传递过程中因地形浅化能转变为上举型内波。
- The spillway of Nagitan hydropower station is composed of five overflowing orifices and one sand flushing orifice, the maximum discharge is 9230 m3/s and the energy is dissipated by hydraulic jump. 纳吉滩水电站底流消能的主要问题是小流量时消力池内水深不足,呈远驱水跃,消能效果极差。
- The flow pattern, the distribution of average dynamic water pressure and the flow velocity near the floor of lip energy dissipater by hydraulic jump are analyzed through the method of hydraulic test. 摘要采用水力学试验方法,对跌坎型底流消能工的水流流态、时均动水压力分布以及临底流速进行了分析。并对影响消力池水力特性的跌坎深度和水流入池角度进行了研究。
- Water Depth after Critical Hydraulic Jump 自由临界水跃跃后水深的探讨
- Effect of Baffle Block on Hydraulic Jump Length 消力墩对水跃跃长的影响
- hydraulic jump energy dissipation 水跃消能
- Nothing will induce me to jump into the icy water. 我怎么也不会想跳进这冰冷的水里。
- Our ideas jump together on this question. 在这个问题上我们意见一致。
- Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有许多人报名参加跳高比赛。
- energy dissipation by hydraulic jump 底流消能
- I am about to jump out of my skin. 我吓得心要跳出来了。