- He has some unfinished business to deal with. 他还要处理一些尚未了结的事务。
- We have some unfinished business to settle. 我们还有些没做完的事要处理。
- There is still some unfinished business to settle. 还有些未完成的事需要处理。
- Today's meeting left unfinished business. 今天的会议留了个尾巴。
- It is as if you have unfinished business here. 这就是好像它已经在这里被你们看作未完成的事情。
- A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business. 有未完成的事的人不应离开尘世。
- Any unfinished business is a cause of ongoing stress. 任何未完成的事情,都是压力持续增加的原因之一。
- The unfinished business of yesterday must take precedence of new business. 昨天未了的事必须比今天的事先做。
- I have unfinished business with Walter Bernhard, the master of this forest. 啊,我和这森林的主人沃尔特。伯纳德有些未了的瓜葛。
- Now,If you`ll excuse us,Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to. 现在;要是你不介意,莱姆斯和我还有一些未了结的事情需要了结.
- One\'s karma is simply unfinished business from prior ancestor\'s lives. 你的业力只是你在前祖先生活中未完成的事务。
- One's karma is simply unfinished business from prior ancestor's lives. 你的业力只是你在前祖先生活中未完成的事务。
- Here again, Labour must settle some important unfinished business from a century ago, starting with the House of Lords. 在这一方面工党必须解决一些一个世纪以来未完成的重要事件,首先是上议院。
- The ones who have not crossed over yet because they have unfinished business with the living. 他们无法安息因为在人世间尚有瓜葛。
- Reminded of unfinished business, he stopped in the middle of the sentence. His expression changed. 他想起了未了的公案,话没说完就住了口,他的脸色变了。
- I have unfinished business with (Oleg) Maskaev and now I have unfinished business with Toney. 我对于(奥莱格)马斯卡耶夫还有未完成的事业而现在对于托尼也有没做完的事:。
- Rinaldo: I have unfinished business with Walter Bernhard, the master of this forest. 莱:啊,我和这森林的主人沃尔特.;伯纳德有些未了的瓜葛。
- Open the door and join me in thick Shihmen,to complete the unfinished business of our legendary tour. 和我一起打开那扇厚厚的石门,完成我们未完成的传奇之旅。
- Lewin tracks Anna down and insists she attend to her unfinished business, which she does. 安娜在渐渐恢复的过程中也开始慢慢接受利诺。
- His most notable focus was civil rights, “still the unfinished business of America,” he often said. 他最引人注目的焦点是民权,他常常说,这“仍是美国未竟的事业”。