- We had a unique experience here. 我们在这里获得了宝贵的经验.
- In matters of family life, everyone has a unique experience. 就家庭问题而言,每个人都有不同的体验。
- A unique experience for Manicure to beautify your hands and nails. 独特的美手及美甲护理。
- In shaping and promoting brand image, has abundant unique experience. 在品牌形象塑造和推广上有着丰富独到的经验。
- The hotel has one restaurant, two cafes and two bars, each offering a unique experience in contemporary surroundings. 酒店拥有一家饭馆,两个咖啡厅和两个酒吧,每一个给予独特的经验在一个现代性的环境里。
- You have sheltered human beings within yourselves in a unique experience of joy and travail. 妳们曾在一个喜悦与辛苦的唯一经验中,在妳们的怀中,孕育了人类。
- She drafted a cover letter that accentuated her unique experience and made her stand out as a candidate. 她写了一封求职信强调了她与众不同的经历,这让她在求职者中脱颖而出。
- Playing pool outdoors in a small village in Hubei province was a unique experience for me. 在湖北省的一个小乡村里,在户外打台球,对我来说是一次独特的经历。
- Four decades of hindsight is perhaps a unique experience among those who have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. 四十年后再回顾从前的某个时光,对那些已经荣获诺贝尔物理学奖的诸公而言,也许是一份独特的经历。
- Having the support of coworkers,as well as the benefit of their unique experience and expertise,is a sure way of multiplying the effectiveness of your own efforts. 有同事们的支持,以及他们独特的经历和专业知识,肯定能使你取得事半功倍的成效。
- Combining photography and text, a group of young patients created their own text-photo albums telling their unique experience. 结合摄影及文字,一班青年病者将个人独特的经历,创作自家的文学图像私相簿。
- Ding Ling is an important authoress in modern literature history, destiny rises and falls, the unique experience has influenced her creation greatly. 丁玲是现代文学史上一位重要的女作家,命运起起落落,独特的经历极大地影响了她的创作。
- Ho Fai was a former Hong Kong team striker. His unique experience in football has added new庆olours扵O ESPN soccer programmes. 何辉是前香港代表队的前锋,他在足球方面的宝贵经验为ESPN的足球节目注入新姿采。
- We made multiple trips to Napa Valley to pick wedding venue, to make sure that our guests would have a unique experience in a beautiful place. ”大梵天的悲悯让我无法发作,“仞利天所有的天人,都是我的子民阿,包括你,夜叉王!”
- Relevant Sensory Oddity - About presenting the senses (not just the eyes) with such a unique experience that people want to talk about it. 相关的感觉古怪性。用一个独特的体验来呈现感觉(不但视觉)以至于会让人们谈论它。
- With lofty ideals and peaceful intentions, the project has made wonderful music, crossing religious divide through this unique experience. 有著崇高的理想及和平的目的,这个企划创作出美好的音乐,藉由这次独特的经验跨越宗教的对立。
- Although a hydroplane tour is not widely known about in the country, there is a club in Trou aux Biches where you can live a unique experience! 虽然在毛岛水上飞机还尚未被大众所熟知,但是,在特楼欧彼士(Trou aux Biches)确有一俱乐部,可以为您提供这种绝无仅有的体验!
- Prof.HAN possesses the unique experience for gynecopathy,especially the clinical application of eitht extra-meridian theory. 韩冰教授治疗妇科疾病有独到之处,尤重视奇经八脉理论在妇科临床中运用。
- He animadverted and denied the bug of the imperial examinations and the gloomy phenomena in the course of the enforcement of it, conveying his unique experience. 对科举制度的缺陷和执行过程中的黑暗现象进行了批判与否定,表达了他的独特体验。
- This deluxe hotel is a truly unique experience where luxury meets tranquility in a world of warm tropical sunshine, powder-white sands and the sparkling azure of the Andaman Sea. 沐浴在热带温暖的阳光里,漫步在粉白色的细砂间,徜徉于晶莹澄碧的安达曼海边,奢侈与安谧构成了生活的主旋律。