- Any of various weeds of the genus Ambrosia having small,greenish,unisexual flower heads and producing abundant pollen that is one of the chief causes of hay fever. 豚草一种豚草属的杂草,有绿色、雌雄合一的小花冠,能产大量花粉,是引起干草热的主要原因之一。
- Any of various weeds of the genus Ambrosia having small, greenish, unisexual flower heads and producing abundant pollen that is one of the chief causes of hay fever. 豚草一种豚草属的杂草,有绿色、雌雄合一的小花冠,能产大量花粉,是引起干草热的主要原因之一
- Carya cathayensis has unisexual flowers born on the same tree. 山核桃为单性花,雌雄同株。
- Characteristics: Annual herb, succulent; monoecious, with unisexual flowers. 形态:一年生草本,肉质;雌雄同株异花。
- Having both hermaphroditic and unisexual flowers on the same plant or on separate plants of the same species. 杂性的同一株植物或同一物种的不同植物上,具有雌雄同体又具有雌雄异体的花朵的
- Any of several fast - growing deciduous trees of the genus Populus having unisexual flowers borne in catkins. 美国鹅掌揪几种鹅掌楸属中快速成长的落叶乔木的一种,其花为单性穗状花
- Any of several fast-growing deciduous trees of the genus Populus having unisexual flowers borne in catkins. 美国鹅掌揪几种鹅掌楸属中快速成长的落叶乔木的一种,其花为单性穗状花
- A tropical Asian tree(Artocarpus heterophyllus) having large edible fruits,unisexual flowers,and fine-grained durable wood. 菠萝蜜树生长于热带亚洲的树木(木菠萝属木菠萝),具有大的可食果实,雌雄异体的花朵,和纹理细密、经久耐用的木材
- Any of several herbs or shrubs of the genus Iva of eastern and central North America, often growing in salt marshes and having nodding, greenish flower heads with unisexual flowers. 沼泽地松:生长于北美洲东部和中部盐碱沼泽地带的一种蓍花属的草类或灌木。花冠下垂,稍带绿色,为雌雄异花植物
- Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genus Sagittaria, having arrowhead - shaped leaves and panicles of white, unisexual flowers. 慈菇一种慈菇属水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异花的圆锥花序
- A tropical Asian tree(Artocarpus heterophyllus)having large edible fruits,unisexual flowers,and fine - grained durable wood. 菠萝蜜树生长于热带亚洲的树木(木菠萝属木菠萝),具有大的可食果实,雌雄异体的花朵,和纹理细密、经久耐用的木材
- A tropical Asian tree(Artocarpus heterophyllus)having large edible fruits,unisexual flowers,and fine.- grained durable wood. 菠萝蜜树生长于热带亚洲的树木(木菠萝属木菠萝),具有大的可食果实,雌雄异体的花朵,和纹理细密、经久耐用的木材
- Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Morus,having unisexual flowers in drooping catkins and edible multiple fruit. 桑树一种桑属落叶树木,长有低垂的柔穗状花序中的单性花朵和可食的聚花果实
- Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genus Sagittaria,having arrowhead - shaped leaves and panicles of white,unisexual flowers. 慈菇一种慈菇属水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异花的圆锥花序
- Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Morus, having unisexual flowers in drooping catkins and edible multiple fruit. 桑树一种桑属落叶树木,长有低垂的柔穗状花序中的单性花朵和可食的聚花果实
- Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genus Sagittaria, having arrowhead-shaped leaves and panicles of white, unisexual flowers. 慈菇一种慈菇属水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异花的圆锥花序
- A tropical Asian tree(Artocarpus heterophyllus) having large edible fruits, unisexual flowers, and fine-grained durable wood. 菠萝蜜树生长于热带亚洲的树木(木菠萝属木菠萝),具有大的可食果实,雌雄异体的花朵,和纹理细密、经久耐用的木材
- An inflorescence consisting of a dense spike or raceme of apetalous, unisexual flowers, as in Salicaceae and Betulaceae;an ament. 柔荑花序 Ament 由无被单性花组成的密集的穗状或总状花序,如杨柳科和桦木科。
- Any of several submerged plants of the genus Ceratophyllum,forming branched masses in quiet water and having finely dissected,whorled leaves and minute unisexual flowers. 角苔,一种金鱼藻属的水下植物,在风平浪静时会形成纵横交错的树枝网,生有轮生的多裂叶,开极小的单性花。
- Any of several plants of the genus Pachysandra, especially the evergreen P. terminalis native to Japan, having toothed leaves and inconspicuous white unisexual flowers. 富贵草这一种类的任一种植物富贵草属尤指长青的富贵草属产自日本,有齿形叶子和不起眼的雌雄异体的花