- unit emission standards 排放标准
- One set of provisions tightens emission standards. 一套使排放标准更加严格的规定。
- More stringent fuel and vehicle emission standards. 收紧车用燃料及车辆废气排放标准。
- Emission standards for 1980 and later model year motorcycles. 1980年及后续年份摩托车的排放标准。
- Dust removal efficiency to meet national emission standards. 除尘效果完全达到国家粉尘排放标准。
- The new emission standard for light-duty motor vehicle in Beijing. 北京市轻型汽车排放新标准。
- Cleaner fuel and tighter emission standards were introduced in April 1997 to further reduce pollution from vehicles. 当局在一九九七年四月引进更严格的燃料和废气排放标准,进一步减低车辆造成的污染。
- The environmental quality standards and pollutant discharge or emission standards are divided into state standards and local standards. 环境质量标准、污染物排放标准分为国家标准和地方标准。
- Emission standards applicable to preexisting stationary sources appear in state implementation plans (SIPs). 在《州实施计划》中出现了固定污染的排放标准。
- States have the option of adopting the even tougher California emission standards. 各州也可以任意选择,是否采用加利福尼亚州更严格的排污标准。
- Clean Air Amendment (1970) provided stringent automotive, aircraft, and factory emission standards. 1970年洁净空气法修正案规定汽车、飞机与工厂排放标准。
- Government control strategies include up-to-date emission standards, tightened inspection requirements, and higher penalties on smoky vehicles. 政府的管制策略,包括制订最新的车辆废气标准、收紧验车标准,以及提高对黑烟车辆的罚款。
- The emission results are demonstrated to meet the 2010 emission standards that are proposed by CARB. 废气排放的结果表明,以满足2010年的废气排放标准是所提出的天幡巍怼啤笑桅痞兀?化合物。
- Government control strategies include up-to-date emission standards,tightened inspection requirements,and higher penalties on smoky vehicles. 政府的管制策略,包括制订最新的车辆废气标准、收紧验车标准,以及提高对黑烟车辆的罚款。
- Since 1995,when tighter smoke inspection and more stringent emission standards for new vehicles were introduced,fewer smoky vehicles have been spotted. 自一九九五年开始,对新车实施更严格的黑烟检验和废气排放标准后,检举数字一直下降。
- But the deal stops short of California's tough new tailpipe emission standards, which could hurt Ontario's all-important auto sector. 但协议可能会伤害到安省十分重要的汽车制造业。
- Regular vehicle maintenance works were carried out to ensure the vehicles passed the emission standard. 本队会定期为车辆进行维修工作,以确保所有车辆都通过气体排放标准。
- Since 1995, when tighter smoke inspection and more stringent emission standards for new vehicles were introduced, fewer smoky vehicles have been spotted. 自一九九五年开始对新车实施更严格的黑烟检验和废气排放标准后,检举数字一直下降。
- This paper introduces the application of the CEMS in FGD and the environment protection emission standard. 介绍了烟气连续监测系统(CEMS)在FGD上的应用和环保排放规范。
- These batch of Tridents were fitted with Euro 3 emission standard Cummins ISE series engine. 而是批巴士也是新巴首批使用电子潜望镜的巴士。