- They are trying to form a united front. 他们正试图结成一个联合阵线。
- We must show a united front against the enemy. 对敌人我们必须表现出团结一致的态度。
- It's imperative for us to present a united front. 我们必须团结一致。
- We must enlarge the basis of the united front here. 我们必须扩大这里的统一战线基
- We must be unified into a united front. 我们必须联合起来结成统一战线。
- We must broaden the united front. 我们必须扩大统一战线。
- To reject communism is in fact to reject the united front. 否认共产主义,实际上就是否认统一战线。
- The third stage is that of the Anti-Japanese National United Front. 党的发展过程的第三个阶段,就是抗日民族统一战线的阶段。
- The united front is a united front for carrying on armed struggle. 统一战线,是实行武装斗争的统一战线。
- The united front of the two parties must be developed further. 两党的统一战线还需要发展。
- They form the middle section of the anti-Japanese united front. 他们是抗日统一战线中的中间派。
- This is our united front policy with regard to the armed forces. 这就是在军队问题上实行统一战线政策。
- It forms the die-hard section of the anti-Japanese united front. 他们是抗日统一战线中的顽固派。
- Arousing the masses and consolidating the united front. 发动群众与巩固统一战线。
- Comrades,which is right,the united front or closed-doorism? 同志们,统一战线的道理和关门主义的道理究竟哪一个是对的呢?
- For this struggle a broad united front is indispensable. 为了进行这个斗争,不能不有广泛的统一战线。
- It has been suggested that in order to present a united front to a threatening world, the minority should now surrender its convictions and join the majority. 有人建议,力了对威胁我们的世界组成统一战绩,少数派现在不应谴责多数派,而应加入多数派。
- It needed to be shown that the united front also had teeth in it. 需要给他们看到统一战线也是有牙齿的。
- Today it is the culture of the anti-Japanese united front. 在今日,就是抗日统一战线的文化。
- Unity here means the united front with the bourgeoisie. 这里所谓联合就是同资产阶级的统一战线。