- Ascension brings forth unity consciousness in action. 提升会带来起作用的统一意识。
- You also experience total unity consciousness as you resonate with all other beings and creation. 当你和所有的其他生命创造共振的时候,你也经历全部的合一意识。
- In many respects, our language is beyond unity as you think of unity consciousness. 在很多方面,我们的语言超越了同一体,如你认为的同一意识。
- It is our heartfelt desire to see humanity ascend to a new level of awareness known as unity consciousness. 能看到人类提升到一个叫做统一意识的新觉醒水平,是我们衷心的心愿。
- Embodying unity consciousness as a group is the next phase of development for those affiliated with SSOA. 包含入统一意识是SSOA会员团队下一步的发展。
- The Bodhisattva then draws on the unity consciousness language in all that they do to sustain a state of non - conditional love and joy. 随之菩萨在所做的一切中利用统一意识语言,来维系一个无条件爱与欢乐的状态。
- In order for you to embrace unity consciousness you must unite consciously with the mass of Christ energy present within self. 为了让你拥抱合一意识,你必须意识上与自我内在存在的集体基督能量结合。
- As each expression of truth does its part to the overall sustenance of the whole of all truths upon Earth, unity consciousness in action is sustained. 当真相的每一表达都承担了对地球上一切真相之整体的责任时,起作用的统一意识就被维持。
- As one begins to embody unity consciousness, only entities of the like vibrations of unity, divine union and unconditional love likewise are attracted. 当你开始包含入统一的意识,只有类似统一、神性联盟和无条件的爱等类似振动的实体被吸引。
- The intent to ascend triggers certain hormonal shifts within the biology that leads to unity consciousness or awareness. 意愿提升,在生物体中触发激活了特定荷尔蒙的改变,从而带来了统一的意识或觉知。
- Those who attain Bodhisattva and anchor unity consciousness in action will bathe all they meet with the remembrance of a civilization based upon unconditional love. 那些达到菩萨层面和锚定此音阶的人们将沐浴所有他们对基于无条件之爱上的文明的记忆。
- This is also known as the "fall of man" in which mankind fell so low in vibration that he/she embodied fear rather than unity consciousness and unconditional love. 这也被所知为“人类的堕落”,其中,人类振动下降到如此之低,他/她融入了恐惧而不是统一意识和无条件之爱。
- This choice brings about a resurrection of what has become decayed or diseased in the form and anchors a new unity consciousness paradigm into the human embodiment. 这个选择让形体里变得衰退和败坏的(东西)进行恢复,并把一个统一的新意识范例锚定进人类的化身。
- The structure of the form likewise becomes unity based in relation to how all cells and organs relate to one another (See "Mastering Unity Consciousness" for more information). 根据所有的细胞和器官是如何彼此关联,这形体的结构同样地变成基于统一。(更多信息请看“掌握统一意识”)。
- For the human form, this restitution causes many new glands and organs to grow in the form that allow for the new cellular structure to subsist and results in a renewed level of joy and unity consciousness to prevail in the human experience. 对人类形体而言,这一重建带来许多新腺体和器官开始在身体中成长,允许新细胞结构来维生,并带来一个在人类经历中再次复兴欢乐与统一意识的结果。
- In anchoring such a form of compassion, these communities can birth a civilization based upon unity consciousness and help transcend current patterns of competition and separatism. 在锚定这样一个同情的方式中,这些社区能诞生基于统一意识的文明,并帮助改变当前竞争和分裂的模式。
- It shall be the birth of unity consciousness then that shall allow the new dream to catch even more greatly in the years ahead as the dream requires mastery over the language of light to be anchored. 这将正是统一意识的诞生,随之将允许新的梦想在前方的年份中捕获得甚至更为巨大,因为梦想需要锚定对光之语的掌握。
- Tigers Eye or Rutilated Quartz will assist initiates in anchoring a new form of leadership that is non-conditional, honors, supports, and augments the birth of unity consciousness within a group. 虎眼石或发晶将协助提升者锚定一种新的领导形式,那是无条件的、尊重的、支持的,并增强了群体内统一意识的诞生。
- I am conscious that I have done right. 我相信自己做得不错。
- National unity is essential in time of war. 举国团结在战时是非常重要的。