- Factors such as unity of command, delegation, and span of control all need to be considered. 统一指挥、委任和控制幅度等因素全都需要列入考虑的范畴。
- The principle of unity of command is useful in the clarification of authority-responsibility relationships. 指挥统一原则可以用来澄清权责关系。
- Unity of command also encompasses the idea that managers should learn to delegate work. 统一指挥也包括管理者应该学习授权。
- Each rescue work site must have one person designated in charge to maintain unity of command, usually designated as the Rescue Squad Officer. 每个救助站都应该指定至少一人来负责协调命令的一致性,一般来说他们也是救援队的负责人。
- There is little unity of purpose among the members. 成员间缺乏坚定不移的目标。
- Research on the Unity of Command and Automation 指挥与自动化两张皮问题研究
- The figure on the left spoils the unity of the painting. 左边的人物有损于画面的整体性。
- Please keep the unity of the tone choler. 保持音色的统一。
- The total understanding, the unity of the truth. 你看到了没有?天下只有这一本书把那统一性的了解
- He roared out the word of command. 他大声发出命令。
- Chinese nation is unity of pluralistic society. 中华民族是一个多元一体的复合体。
- This flag symbolizes the unity of our country. 这面旗象征着我们国家的团结。
- Which command Show full path name of command. 显示命令的完整路径,如详细内容。
- Reality is the unity of harmony mid the conflict. 摘要现实社会是冲突与和谐的统一体。
- I'd better expedite the change of command. 我最好尽快上任,接过指挥权。
- Daoism is a doctrine of unity of complementation. 道学是互补统一学说。
- Up rose the soldiers at the word of command. 一声令下,士兵们都站了起来。
- It had the superior ities of unity of individu... 具有个性和共性的统一,及质量层次的可调性、适用性和可操作性。
- Avoid conflicting lines of command. 杜绝多头听命,造成指令矛盾。
- We must build unity of family,community and nation. 我们必须建立统一的家庭;社会和国家.