- Discipline and freedom form a unity of opposites; both are indispensable. 纪律和自由是对立统一的关系,两者是不可分的,缺一不可。
- Discipline and freedom form a unity of opposites, both are indispensable. 纪律和自由是对立统一的关系,两者是不可分的,缺一不可。
- The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe. 对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。
- Mohism is about the research on the mode of thinking, but language and thinking are the unity of opposites. 墨学是探讨思维规律的,而语言与思维是对立统一的。
- Concerning dialectics Lenin said, "In brief, dialectics can be defined as the doctrine of the unity of opposites. 关于辩证法,列宁说过:“可以把辩证法简要地确定为关于对立统一的学说。
- In philosophy, materialism and idealism form a unity of opposites and struggle with each other. 在哲学里边,唯物主义和唯心主义是对立统一,这两个东西是相互斗争的。
- The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge. 对立统一规律是辩证法的实质,在唯物辩证法的理论体系中占有核心地位。
- The scene is full of contradictions, and permeated with law of “the unity of opposites” for contradiction. 这个场景中充满了矛盾,矛盾的“对立统一”规律始终贯穿其中。
- Relation of a kind of fluctuant unity of opposites is in between environment and productivity. 自然环境与生产力之间处于一种变动的对立统一关系。首先,自然环境对生产力的发展起着恒定性的制约关系。
- The law of unity of opposites occupies the key position in three major laws of materialist dialectics. 对立统一规律在唯物辩证法的三大规律中居于核心地位。
- Consequently, the legitimateness of the criminal law should be settled in line with the unity of opposites. 实践中容易夸大刑法的作用,涉及无辜。
- In any given thing, the unity of opposites is conditional, temporary and transitory, and hence relative, whereas the struggle of opposites is absolute. 对于任何一个具体的事物说来,对立的统一是有条件的、暂时的、过渡的,因而是相对的,对立的斗争则是绝对的。
- Yin-yang theory tells us that things are at the Yin and Yang, have antagonism (for) a unified, modern Context said, All things are the overall unity of opposites. 阴阳学说告诉我们,事物都分阴阳,都有对立(对应)统一的关系,用现代的语境讲,任何事物都是对立统一的整体。
- There is a relationship of the unity of opposites between the School of Old Institutional Economics and Keynesian fairness doctrine. 旧制度经济学派与凯恩斯主义的兼顾公平规则是一种对立统一的关系。
- By reading the paradoxical view of the world in Frost, and understanding the unity of opposites in his poetry, we can learn about the ... 解读弗洛斯特矛盾的世界观,了解他诗歌中展现的对立与统一,有助于我们更好地认识世界,更好地处世和生活。
- From the origin, its proposition restates and rewrites the traditional outlook on organic form and the idea of "unity of opposites" which contains. 从渊源上讲,它是对传统的有机形式论及其所包含的对立调和思想的再度申说和改写。
- A traditional Chinese dwelling place was a special kind of "family world" which structure is followed "the law of the unity of opposites". 中国传统居家环境是一种形式特殊的“家世界”,它的构成遵循二元对立统一律。
- And the same course, having a characteristic of the duality, it is limited and limitless to be embodied in, phased with continuity, twists and advancing unity of opposites. 而这个同一的过程,又具有两重性的特征,具体表现为有限性与无限性、阶段性与连续性、曲折性与前进性的对立统一。
- This paper argues that both arbitrariness and motivation are Lansign's basic characteristics and that they are a unity of opposites in Lansign's every aspect and category. 其实,任意性和理据性都是语言符号的基本特征,二者有机地对立统一于语言符号的各个层面和范畴。
- There is little unity of purpose among the members. 成员间缺乏坚定不移的目标。