- university history study 校史研究
- Chahar history study is a weak point in the field of Mongolian history. 察哈尔历史研究是蒙古史研究领域中的薄弱环节。
- The students are studying universal history. 学生们在学习世界史。
- She grinds away at history studies. 她在历史学习上下了很多功夫。
- None of the staff present and the few university history lecturers and students there knew Sun had been to Singapore. "What is the Sun Yat Sen Villa for?" they asked. 在场的工作人员与几位大学历史系的老师与学生,都不知道孙中山到过新加坡,还问“晚晴园是做什么的?”
- He can't pass his history examination because he is detached from his history study. 他历史考试不及格,因为他对历史学习不感兴趣。
- There are only 6 days before the centennial anniversary of Peking University.History is bringing us to the threshold of the 21st century. 还有6天就是北大的百年校庆了。历史带我们走到21世纪的门槛。
- So the art history study needs to be based on the combination of universality and particularity. 艺术史的研究应建立在普遍性与特殊性相结合的基准点上。
- It is a adventurous sample that we introduce this theory to the Chinese history study. 是将“交往”理论引入历史研究实践之中的大胆尝试。
- It all started when Graham Broad, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, found McKay's name in a footnote in a book about university history. 这一切时,格雷厄姆开始广泛,在西安大略大学教授,发现在一个脚注中关于马凯大学历史书的名字。
- The origin of art, the change of art, the end of art, and the revival of art are the propositions of art history study. 摘要艺术起源、艺术流变、艺术终结和艺术复兴等,是艺术史研究中的诸多重要命题。
- TOYNBEE regards the integrated civilization as a unit of history study, this has interpreted the theory of general and comprehensive historical study. 汤因比把整体性的文明作为历史研究的单位,进一步开拓了宏观综合治史的理论;
- Photos shown here are the inauguration of the exhibition in the Exhibition Hall of Peking University History, attended by Wu Zhipan, vice secretary of Party committee and vice president of Peking University. 图为巡回展在北大校史陈列馆揭幕,北京大学党委副书记,副校长吴志攀参加了揭幕式。
- The unearthed bamboo slip book directly supplies the history study with abundant new data and it is of great importance to identify the real or false historic material and retrace the source of ancient books. 汉简兵书的出土,直接为研究历史提供了大量新的资料,对于辨别史料的真伪,追溯古籍的源流意义重大。
- The project, if it takes off the ground, will be co-ordinated by the universitys history department. 当此计划落实后,将由岭大历史学系负责统筹。
- Shen Yue applied God-man telepathy idea to the history study,and regarded sovereignty as providence. He explained historical phenomena from the aspects of negativity and positivity,misfortune and surprise. 又以天人感应思想思考历史,将君主受命视为天意,以阴阳灾异解释历史现象。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- So these are indispensable solutions to improve the speculation in history study, to borrow methods from hermeneutic, and to cultivate the intellectuality, savvy and virtue of historians. 所以,增强史学研究的思辨性,借鉴解 释学的方法,陶冶史家的知性、悟性和善性等,都是必要的应对之方。
- "A person thus prepared will be able to refer any particular history he takes up to its proper place in universal history" (Joseph Priestley). “经过这种准备的人,可以在历史长河中,归属于任何他从事合适位置的特定历史阶段” (约瑟夫·普利斯特莱)。
- From the viewpoint of opposing objectivism, both Croce and Collingwood advocated to change the passive situation of history study and recover the unification of history and philosophy. 摘要柯林伍德与克罗齐均从反对客观主义的立场出发,要求改变历史研究消极呆板的状况,重建历史与哲学的统一。