- He when the university teach English make friended with many student. 他在大学教英语时和许多学生交了朋友。
- How is doctoral student of capital medical university taught? 首都医科大学博士生教育怎么样?
- Are all university teaching graduates and are qualified to teach English as a foreign language. 全都是教育大学毕业生并拥有教授英语作外语的资格。
- She teaches English in a university. 她在一所大学里教英文。
- In the university teaching,the three-phase power supply can t meet the teaching s needs and has its limitation. 在大学教学过程中,三相电源的配置往往难以满足教学需要并有其局限性。
- Magenta is a Professor of Art at Arizona State University teaching both graduate and undergraduate studio courses in new media concepts. 买杰塔是亚利桑那州立大学的一位艺术教授,她教导大学生演播课程时提出了新媒体概念。
- What this times need research university teaching is the transfer from "instruction" to "study", from "passiveness" to "activeness". 时代要求研究型大学的教学是由“教”向“学”、由“被动”向“主动”的转移。
- The notion of teaching with impartation-acceptance as its main method holds the primary place of university teaching activity. 以授受为主的教学观仍然居于大学教学活动的首位。
- Along with the development of higher education enterprise,the teaching files are playing a vital role in the university teaching managements. 随着我国高等教育事业的发展,教学档案在高校教学管理过程中发挥着重要的作用。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- MNH is National Referral Hospital and University Teaching Hospital with 1,500 bed facility, attending 1,000 to 1,200 outpatients week, admitting 1,000 to 1,200 inpatients per day. 莫医是国立中心医院和大学的教学医院。拥有1500张床位,每周可以接诊1000到1200人次的门诊病人,可以容纳1000到1200人入院治疗。
- Therefor, referring to Parsons's famous theory of action system, the dissertation tries to give a new review and interpretation of the university teaching model. 由此,本文借鉴帕森斯的行动系统理论,对大学教 学模式进行了一番全新的考察与诠释。
- UQ remains the most successful Australian university in winning and being shortlisted for Australian Awards for University Teaching since they were established in 1997. 昆士兰大学设施齐备。它拥有昆士兰州最大的图书馆,藏书两百万卷,期刊一万八千册,并有十二万五千余份电子书籍。
- Especially because the government Control section wants the standard human resources pool, the university teaching order not to be able the student to seek employment disrupts. 尤其是政府管理部门要规范人才市场,高校教学秩序不能因学生求职而打乱。
- The article elaborates the situation that the university library faces the university teaching evaluation.The author ponders on the actual literature interviewing work. 本文阐述了高校图书馆面对本科教学质量评估形势,作者从文献采访工作的实际出发,进行了思考。
- "The performance fund was one of several schemes introduced by Education Minister Brendan Nelson to improve the quality of university teaching" (Illing, D 2005). 这个有争议的澳大利亚38所公立大学的排名将被用于霍华德政府考虑对教学质量优秀的大学额外拨款2.;5亿澳元基金的计划。
- She teaches in a state university. 她在一所州立大学任教。
- He got in with a bad crowd at university. 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混。
- I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大学的机会。
- I using long-term engage universities teaching and foreign communion predominance. 我利用长期从事高校教学和对外交。