- unlimited liability investment 无限责任的投资
- A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability. 合营可以是无限责任也可以是有限责任。
- Yet they have unlimited liability and are responsible for all their business debts. 但他们的责任是无限的,必须对其业务上的一切债务负责。
- Unlimited liability companies are at higher risk than limited liability companies. 无限责任公司比有限责任公司的风险高。
- The investor of the personal-fund enterprise shall assume unlimited liability for the debts of the enterprise. 独资企业投资者对企业债务负无限责任。
- The principal disadvantages of the proprietorship are unlimited liability and limitations on size. 独资形式的主要缺点是债务无限和规模有限。
- The branch of a foreign company shall indicate in its name the nationality of the foreign company and whether it has limited or unlimited liability. 外国公司的分支机构应当在其名称中标明该外国公司的国籍及责任形式。
- Partnerships arid proprietorships share three characteristics: ?ease of formation; (2) limited life ;and (D unlimited liability. 独资企业与合伙企业有三个共同的特征:易于组成;有限生命;无限责任。
- It has one major disadvantage. It is an unincorporated entity and the person carrying on business as sole proprietor has unlimited liability. 此类企业有一个重大缺点。其为非法人实体,负责经营的独资股东承担无限责任。
- Mr Tobias-Tarsh says: “Lawyers are terrified of making a mistake especially in a business where there is unlimited liability. 托比亚斯-塔什先生说:“律师唯恐犯错,特别是有些事务所需承担的责任无限。
- Offsetting these advantages of a partnership are such serious disadvantages as limited life, unlimited liability, and mutual agency. 合伙组织所具有的许多短处,抵消了它的上述长处,如有限的生命期,无限的责任,和合伙人可互相代理的特性。
- In Britain,the unlimited liability partnership is just like the sole proprietorship unless it is registered under the British Limited Partnership Act of 1907. 在英国,除非在“1907年英国有限合营法”之下注册,无限责任合营公司与单一业主同样对待。
- The advantages of being in a partnership are that assets, expertise and expenses can be shared by the partners. The main disadvantages is the unlimited liability of each partner. 合伙人架构的好处是资产、专长和成本皆由合伙人共享、分担。不好的地方是每一位合伙人因此而承担无限责任。
- Before obtaining the business license, the unlimited liability businessperson may not engage in any business activity by using the name it plans to use. 在领取营业执照前,无限责任商人不得以拟使用的名称从事商行为。
- In Britain, the unlimited liability partnership is just like the sole proprietorship unless it is registered under the British Limited Partnership Act of 1907. 在英国,除非在“1907年英国有限合营法”之下注册,无限责任合营公司与单一业主同样对待。
- The registration of businesspeople with unlimited liability shall be completed by authorized branches (or detached offices) of registration organs in accordance with this Ordinance. 无限责任商人的登记,由登记机关授权的分支机构(派出机构)依据本条例办理。
- Maturity Date The date on which a bond's principal or other liability investment is repaid to the investor and interest payments stop. 到期日期借贷方向投资者偿付债券本金或其他债务的日期,也是停止支付利息的日子。
- Contingent liability investment transactions which are not traded on or under the rules of a recognised or designated investment exchange may expose you to substantially greater risks. 投资交易附带责任因其不在交易所或未根据被认定或指定的投资交易法则进行交易,可能具有更大的风险。
- Contingent liability investment transactions, which are margined, require you to make a series of payments against the purchase price, instead of paying the whole purchase price immediately. 缴付保证金的或有责任投资交易会要求贵客户分数次支付购买价格而不是立即缴清购买价格。
- Article 39 Where a partnership enterprise fails to settle any mature debt, the partners shall bear joint and several unlimited liabilities. 第三十九条合伙企业不能清偿到期债务的,合伙人承担无限连带责任。